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Thread: Table transpose

  1. #1

    Table transpose


    Data in the source worksheet, I want to get the target worksheet(There are hundreds of data), I thought for a long time but do not know how to solve it, I hope someone can provide a solution.Any help is very grateful.

  2. #2
    Hello idnoidno
    Try this code
    Sub Test()
        Dim ws      As Worksheet
        Dim sh      As Worksheet
        Dim a()     As Variant
        Dim rng     As Range
        Dim r       As Range
        Dim c       As Range
        Dim i       As Long
        Dim x       As Long
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("source")
            Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("target")
            For Each r In ws.Columns(1).SpecialCells(2).Areas
                Set rng = r.CurrentRegion
                For Each c In rng.Columns
                    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(c) > 1 And c.Column <> 1 Then
                        x = x + 1
                        ReDim Preserve a(1 To 5, 1 To x)
                        a(1, x) = rng(1)
                        For i = 2 To UBound(a, 1)
                            a(i, x) = rng(c.Column)(i - 1)
                        Next i
                        a(2, x) = CLng(a(2, x))
                    End If
                Next c
            Next r
            With sh
                With .Cells
                    .Clear: .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter: .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter: .RowHeight = 18
                End With
                .Range("A1").Resize(1, 5).Value = Array("Item", "Date", "L", "W", "H")
                .Range("A1").Resize(1, 5).Font.Bold = True
                .Range("A2").Resize(UBound(a, 2), UBound(a, 1)).Value = Application.Transpose(a)
                .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Borders.Value = 1
                .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy": .Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 13
            End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Mr.YasserKhalil ,thank you very much.

    I do not understand your CODE, can you take some time to explain, if I can learn your knowledge I will be very grateful.

  4. #4
    You're welcome. Glad I can offer some help for you
    As for the code first define the sheets "source" and "target" then loop through areas (separated by empty rows) so as to deal with each table ..and inside that loop the code would count the columns with data except first column and then use the variable x to increase every time the criteria is achieved.
    Using an array of 5 rows and then using redim preserve to increase the columns according to the variable x ..filling the array with the desired output
    Then some formatting lines

    You can press F8 to execute the code line by line and sorry because English is not my native language
    May be someone else explain better than me

  5. #5
    Mr.YasserKhalil ,thank you again.Are you Japanese?
    English is not my native language,either.
    These codes

    For Each r In ws.Columns(1).SpecialCells(2).Areas
    Set rng = r.CurrentRegion

    For Each c In rng.Columns
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(c) > 1 And c.Column <> 1 Then
    x = x + 1 ㄎㄛ
    ReDim Preserve a(1 To 5, 1 To x)
    a(1, x) = rng(1)
    For i = 2 To UBound(a, 1)
    a(i, x) = rng(c.Column)(i - 1)
    Next i
    a(2, x) = CLng(a(2, x))
    End If
    Next c ext r

    I rarely use this way to write code, I use F8 to excute each code but still do not understand,but it is ok,I will google some information to learn.If you can recommend some of the site information, I would be very grateful.

  6. #6
    May be one of the experts volunteer to explain in more professional way

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