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Thread: unwanted changing value

  1. #1

    unwanted changing value

    Hello there!
    Im new to access, and faced the following problem.
    At my workplace we have a product assembly with loads of component variations.
    I created a table for the components list, and gave them a yes/no variant, to decide if they are sandardised parts or not.
    On the assembly level, where i have 3 components at a time, im refering to that tables related yes/no value, to decide, if all the components are standad, therefore
    the assembly is standard.
    The lis of componenets is called as PartList. So for each component, i added the PartList table separetly, and set upt the connection, as on the picture.
    After that, i made a sheet, and put 3 inputboxes on it for the standard values.
    And the problem is, no matter what i do, every time, im trying to get the PartList_2 value, the inputbox just changes it to PartList_1 as soon as i save, or exit planning view.
    How can i fix this?

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru
    Mar 2005
    Hello, I am not certain about your Relationship diagram as I can't see the reason for 3 partslists, or for the other 3 tables between the parts lists and the assembly.
    Is it possible to upload the database for me to look at?
    If the data is sensitive you could take a copy and delete the data and then create a couple of dummy records for me to play with.
    What version of Access are you using, as I need it to be in Access 2007 format.

  3. #3
    Im using 3 partslist, because 3 different records and when im using the same table for them, i got the messege, No record can be found.
    I will upload a version filled with dummy records asap.
    Thanks in advance.

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