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Thread: Read multiple .txt files and copy specific text to excel

  1. #1

    Read multiple .txt files and copy specific text to excel

    I have thousands of text files that I need to copy specific data from and put into columns in an excel spreadsheet. In the past I've used a variation of the code below and it has worked fine however the text files I now have have duplicate words that I need to search for. Sample Analysis Time/Date: Benezen etc.. What I would like to do is return a value for each searched term in a corresponding column.

    current code
    Row = 2
      'label columns
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 1).Value = "Analysis Date/Time"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 2).Value = "Lims#"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 3).Value = "Benzene"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 4).Value = "Arom"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 5).Value = "RVP"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 6).Value = "Ron"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 7).Value = "Mon"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 8).Value = "R+M/2"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 9).Value = "T10"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 10).Value = "T50"
      ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 11).Value = "T90"
      Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      For Each f In fso.GetFolder("C:\Desktop\NIR\temp").Files
        If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(f.Name)) = "txt" Then
        Row = Row + 1
          Set stream = f.OpenAsTextStream
          Do Until stream.AtEndOfStream
            Line = stream.ReadLine
            'search line for text, return value to right of text
            If Left(Line, 32) = "      Sample Analysis Time/Date:" Then
              ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 1).Value = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 39)
            ElseIf Left(Line, 13) = "      Comment" Then
              ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 2).Value = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 45)
              ElseIf Left(Line, 13) = "      Benzene" Then
              ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 3).Value = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 39)
            'continue on for each search term
             Exit Do
            End If
        End If
    Text file (could not upload this for some reason)
          Analyzer Description, Configuration 1       Configuration Name               CONFIGURATION 1         
          Model                            MB160D
          Serial Number                    SZM48067
          Sampling Accessory               Liquid Cell
          Sampling Device Serial Number    NONE
          Detector                         InAs
          Detector Serial Number           SZM480PK
    Analysis Results
          Sample Analysis Time/Date:       7:31 AM  1/1/14
          Spectrum:                        FAG35315
          Procedure:                        Reg 2009 
          Comment                          LIMS# 0939 
          Benzene (wt%)                    .61
          Arom. (GCMS vol.%)               16.44
          RVP (psi)                        8.88
          RON (Regular)                    91.13
          MON (Regular)                    83.76
          (R+M)/2 (Regular)200             87.32
          T10 (F)                          130.83
          T50 (F)                          213.62
          T90 (F)                          327.52
          End Point                        415.11
    .               Total Samples:       1
    .0 0 0 1 3825 1.00E+04 C:\AIRS\all\c2014_01\samples\FAg35315
          Sample Analysis Time/Date:       7:35 AM  1/1/14
          Spectrum:                        FAG35316
          Procedure:                        Reg 2009 
          Comment                          LIMS# 061
          Benzene (wt%)                    .84
          Arom. (GCMS vol.%)               15.17
          RVP (psi)                        14.74
          RON (Regular)                    88.59
          MON (Regular)                    80.41
          (R+M)/2 (Regular)200             84.63
          T10 (F)                          104.00
          T50 (F)                          173.95
          T90 (F)                          301.64
          End Point                        403.94
    .               Total Samples:       2
    .0 0 0 1 3825 1.00E+04 C:\AIRS\all\c2014_01\samples\FAg35316

    Hoped for end result
    Analysis Date/Time Lims# Benzene Arom RVP Ron Mon R+M/2 T10 T50 T90
    1/1/2014 7:31 939 0.61 16.44 8.88 91.13 83.76 87.32 130.83 213.62 327.52
    1/1/2014 7:35 061 0.84 15.17 14.74 88.59 80.41 84.63 104 173.95 301.64

  2. #2
    Moderator VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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