[VBA]a.WriteLine "<html> <head> </head> <body> <div align = center>" _
& " <img src=""" & Piccie & """ " & " width = ""800"" height=""600"" align=""middle"" border=1>" _
& " <br><form name=""form1"" Action = ""mailto:nswtraining@afgonline.com.au?subject=Yes, I will be able to attend the" & Opt & "on the " & TrnDate & """" _
& " method = ""post"">" _
& " <input type =""submit"" value = ""Yes, I will be able to attend"">" _
& " </form> </div> </body> </html>"

Grr! I can't figure out what I am doing wrong here. When I write this text file to the msg.HTMLbody it works fine apart from the form button which refuses to display. When I view the e-mail source code it shows as :

HTML Code:

<input type=submit value="Yes, I will be able to attend">



When I try writing to msg.Body instead the layout is fine.
HTML Code:
<head> </head> 
<body> <div align = center> <img src="image"  width = "800" height="600" align="middle" border=1> 
<form name="form1" Action = "mailto:nswtraining@afgonline.com.au?subject=Yes, I will be able to attend the Accreditation Training on the " method = "post"> <input type ="submit" value = "Yes, I will be able to attend">
What's going wrong here?