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Thread: VBA Code to copy charts from Excel into PowerPoint

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Oct 2015

    VBA Code to copy charts from Excel into PowerPoint


    I need some help with a vba code that will copy various charts from 1 excel worksheet into 1 powerpoint slide. I know this is possible, but for some reason I cannot make heads or tails with various codes I've found online.

    This is my situation. I have an excel workbook with 16 spreadsheets. However, I only need the vba code to look at 6 of these spreadsheets only. Each spreadsheet has 9 charts that will need to be copied from excel and pasted into 1 slide. So 6 excel worksheets with 9 charts in each copied into 6 pre-existing powerpoint slides ... 9 charts into each slide. For example, there is 1 worksheet labeled "Global" in Excel. The 9 charts located into this worksheet will need to be copied and pasted as a picture into the powerpoint slide labeled "Global".

    If anyone sees any other errors in my code, please let me know as well.

    Below is my full code:
    Option Explicit
    '  [/b] PptCreator [/b]
    '  - Purpose: Create EMR Powerpoint
    '  [/u] Process Steps [/u]
    '   -
    '   -
    '   -
    '   -
    '   -
    'Declaring Constants
    Const sTemplate As String = "\\\amercorp$\CORPRE\NARESHARE04\CORP_SEC\METRICS\Reporting\Quality\EMRs\1-Template\Global EMR - Template.pptx"
    Const sFinalP As String = "\\\amercorp$\CORPRE\NARESHARE04\CORP_SEC\METRICS\Reporting\Quality\EMRs\"
    'Declaring Helper Variables
    Dim aExcel As Excel.Application
    Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, wsfn As Excel.WorksheetFunction
    Dim sDate As String
    'Decalring Powerpoint Helpers
    Dim aPPT As PowerPoint.Application
    Dim pptPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
    Dim pptSlide As PowerPoint.Slide, pptSlides As PowerPoint.Slides
    Dim pptShape As PowerPoint.Shape
    'Dictionary Helper
    Dim key As Variant
    Private Function GetFinal(s As String) As String
    'Declare Helpers
    Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Dim fsoFile As Scripting.File
    Dim fsoFolder As Scripting.Folder
    Dim dtmLast As Date
    Dim sLast As String
    Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Set fsoFolder = fso.GetFolder(s)
    'Get Most Recent Publication
    For Each fsoFile In fsoFolder.Files
        Select Case True
            Case (fsoFile.DateLastModified > dtmLast) And (fsoFile.Name Like "*Global DDO EMR*.xlsx")
                sLast = fsoFile.Path
                dtmLast = fsoFile.DateLastModified
        End Select
    Next fsoFile
    '/Set Function
    GetFinal = sLast
    End Function
    Sub PptCreator()
    '/Setting Variables
    Set aExcel = Excel.Application
    Set wsfn = Excel.WorksheetFunction
    On Error Resume Next
    Set aPPT = PowerPoint.Application
    If aPPT Is Nothing Then Set aPPT = New PowerPoint.Application
        aPPT.Visible = msoTrue
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub CreatePPT()
    'Helper Variables
    Dim nCounter As Integer
    Dim chtob As ChartObject
    Dim i As Long, total_slide
    i = 1
    '/Set Variables
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=GetFinal(sFinalP), ReadOnly:=False)
    '/Powerpoint Operations
    Set pptPres = aPPT.Presentations.Open(sTemplate)
    'shts = ("Macro Sheet,Summary % Change,Summary Net Change,Region Reference,CIB,GIM,CB,WMIS,Raw Data,Re  ference")
    total_slide = pptPres.Slides.Count
    '/Create Powerpoint
    For Each ws In wb.Sheets
            For Each chtob In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
                    Set pptSlide = pptPres.Slides(i)
                    pptSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial ppPasteShape
                    i = i + 1
                If i > total_slide Then Exit Sub
    '/Create Powerpoint
    'For Each ws In wb.Sheets
    '    With ws
            'Select Case True
            '    Case (.Name <> "Macro Sheet") And (.Name <> "Summary % Change") And (.Name <> "Summary Net Change") And (.Name <> "Region Reference") And (.Name <> "CIB") And (.Name <> "GIM") And (.Name <> "CB") And (.Name <> "WMIS") And (.Name <> "Raw Data") And (.Name <> "Reference")
            'If InStr(1, shts & ",", ws.CodeName & ",", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
    '        If ws.Name <> "Macro Sheet" And ws.Name <> "Summary % Change" And ws.Name <> "Summary Net Change" And ws.Name <> "Region Reference" And ws.Name <> "CIB" And ws.Name <> "GIM" And ws.Name <> "CB" And ws.Name <> "WMIS" And ws.Name <> "Raw Data" And ws.Name <> "Reference" Then
                            'nCounter = nCounter + 1
                            'Set Range
                            'Copy Chart
     '                       For Each chtob In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
     '                           chtob.Chart.ChartArea.Copy
                             'Set Powerpoint Slide
     '                       Set pptSlide = pptPres.Slides(SlideDic(.Name, nCounter))
                            'Paste Chart
      '                      pptSlide.Shapes.Paste
                            'Clear Clipboard
      '                      aExcel.CutCopyMode = False
            'End If
            'End Select
      '  End With
     '   nCounter = 0
    'Next ws
    End Sub
    Private Sub SavePPT()
    Dim dtmDate As Date, dtmLastWeek
    '/Save New Presentation
    'Select Case Weekday(Date, vbSunday)
    '    Case Is <> 4
    '        dtmDate = Date - (Weekday(Date, vbSunday) - 4)
    '        dtmLastWeek = dtmDate
    'End Select
    With pptPres
        .SaveAs sFinalP & "Global EMR - " & Format(dte, "mmmm yyyy") & ".pptx", ppSaveAsPresentation
    End With
    aExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
    With wb
        .Close SaveChanges:=False
    End With
    aExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub
    Private Function SlideDic(sName As String, num As Integer) As Integer
    '/Case Switcher
    Select Case sName
        Case Is = "Global"
    '        Select Case num
    '            Case 1
                    SlideDic = 0
            End Select
        Case Is = "APAC"
            SlideDic = 1
        Case Is = "North America"
            SlideDic = 2
        Case Is = "Latin America"
            SlideDic = 3
        Case Is = "Bournemouth"
            SlideDic = 4
        Case Is = "Geneva"
            SlideDic = 5
    End Select
    End Function
    Private Function SizePosDic(sName As String, num As Integer) As Variant
    Const n As Integer = 72
    '/Case Switcher
    Select Case sName
        Case Is = "Global"
            Select Case num
                Case 1
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 2
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 3
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 4
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 5
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 6
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 7
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 8
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 9
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 6 * n)
            End Select
        Case Is = "APAC"
            Select Case num
                Case 1
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 2
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 3
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 4
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 5
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 6
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 7
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 8
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 9
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 6 * n)
            End Select
        Case Is = "North America"
            Select Case num
                Case 1
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 2
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 3
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 4
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 5
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 6
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 7
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 8
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 9
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 6 * n)
            End Select
        Case Is = "Latin America"
            Select Case num
                Case 1
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 2
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 3
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 4
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 5
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 6
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 7
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 8
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 9
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 6 * n)
            End Select
        Case Is = "Bournemouth"
            Select Case num
                Case 1
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 2
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 3
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 4
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 5
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 6
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 7
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 8
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 9
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 6 * n)
            End Select
        Case Is = "Geneva"
            Select Case num
                Case 1
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 2
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 3
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 0.85 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 4
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 5
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 6
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 4.1 * n, 6 * n)
                Case 7
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 2 * n)
                Case 8
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 3.93 * n)
                Case 9
                    SizePosDic = Array(2 * n, 3.2 * n, 7.35 * n, 6 * n)
            End Select
    End Select
    End Function
    Private Sub OptiMode()
    'Speed Optimization
    If aExcel Is Nothing Then Set aExcel = Excel.Application
    On Error Resume Next
    With aExcel
        .DisplayStatusBar = False
        .EnableEvents = False
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub RegMode()
    'Regular Operation
    If aExcel Is Nothing Then Set aExcel = Excel.Application
    On Error Resume Next
    With aExcel
        .DisplayStatusBar = True
        .EnableEvents = True
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub

    This is part of the code that I can't seem to figure out:
    Private Sub CreatePPT()
    'Helper Variables
    Dim nCounter As Integer
    Dim chtob As ChartObject
    Dim i As Long, total_slide
    i = 1
    '/Set Variables
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=GetFinal(sFinalP), ReadOnly:=False)
    '/Powerpoint Operations
    Set pptPres = aPPT.Presentations.Open(sTemplate)
    'shts = ("Macro Sheet,Summary % Change,Summary Net Change,Region Reference,CIB,GIM,CB,WMIS,Raw Data,Re  ference")
    total_slide = pptPres.Slides.Count
    '/Create Powerpoint
    For Each ws In wb.Sheets
            For Each chtob In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
                    Set pptSlide = pptPres.Slides(i)
                    pptSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial ppPasteShape
                    i = i + 1
                If i > total_slide Then Exit Sub
    '/Create Powerpoint
    'For Each ws In wb.Sheets
    '    With ws
            'Select Case True
            '    Case (.Name <> "Macro Sheet") And (.Name <> "Summary % Change") And (.Name <> "Summary Net Change") And (.Name <> "Region Reference") And (.Name <> "CIB") And (.Name <> "GIM") And (.Name <> "CB") And (.Name <> "WMIS") And (.Name <> "Raw Data") And (.Name <> "Reference")
            'If InStr(1, shts & ",", ws.CodeName & ",", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
    '        If ws.Name <> "Macro Sheet" And ws.Name <> "Summary % Change" And ws.Name <> "Summary Net Change" And ws.Name <> "Region Reference" And ws.Name <> "CIB" And ws.Name <> "GIM" And ws.Name <> "CB" And ws.Name <> "WMIS" And ws.Name <> "Raw Data" And ws.Name <> "Reference" Then
                            'nCounter = nCounter + 1
                            'Set Range
                            'Copy Chart
     '                       For Each chtob In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
     '                           chtob.Chart.ChartArea.Copy
                             'Set Powerpoint Slide
     '                       Set pptSlide = pptPres.Slides(SlideDic(.Name, nCounter))
                            'Paste Chart
      '                      pptSlide.Shapes.Paste
                            'Clear Clipboard
      '                      aExcel.CutCopyMode = False
            'End If
            'End Select
      '  End With
     '   nCounter = 0
    'Next ws
    End Sub
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Moderator VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Moderator bump.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Oct 2015
    What is this supposed to mean?

  4. #4
    Moderator VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    A courtesy to move your thread to the top of the list.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

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