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Thread: Using VBA to import BDH from Bloomberg

  1. #1

    Using VBA to import BDH from Bloomberg

    Hi guys,

    I am new to here... I heard this is an amazing forum... Please give me some ideas of how to create this VBA please...

    I am currently working on the assignment but I got stuck for a long time.

    The task is to:

    using VBA to import the closing price (BDH) from a list of equities in Bloomberg terminal. I have managed to do it manually by simply copy and paste, import data wizard. But the aim of the task is to automatically import the data

    Please help!!

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    I did something similar a while ago hopefully the interface hasn't changed , this is the code I used to write the functions acorss the sheet "Download" from a named range called "Instruments" on the sheet "stocklist:
    This code downloads prices between two dates

    Sub writebdh()' this is the double quotes character
    If True Then
    tt = Chr(34)
    inarr = Range("Instruments")
    cnt = Range("Instruments").Rows.Count
    For i = 1 To cnt
    titl = inarr(i, 1)
    s1 = tt & titl & tt
    s21 = Cells(6, 6)
    s22 = Cells(6, 7)
    s23 = Cells(6, 8)
    s24 = Cells(6, 9)
    s2 = tt & s21 & tt & " " & tt & s22 & tt & " " & tt & s23 & tt & " " & tt & s24 & tt
    'open price only for this test
    s2 = tt & s21 & tt
    s3 = tt & Cells(7, 2) & tt
    s4 = tt & Cells(7, 4) & tt
    s5 = tt & Cells(5, 5) & tt
    s6 = tt & "BarSz="
    s7 = Cells(2, 9) & tt
    Endstr = "," & tt & "Dir=V" & tt & "," & tt & "Dts=S" & tt & "," & tt & "Sort=A" & tt & ", " & tt & "Quote=C " & tt & ", " & tt & "UseDPDF=Y " & tt & ")"
    frmtxt = "=BDH(" & s1 & "," & s2 & "," & s3 & "," & s4 & "," & s5 & "," & s6 & s7 & Endstr
    Cells(7, 7 + i * 7).Formula = frmtxt
    Next i
    End If
    End Sub
    This is the formula that it creates:
    =BDH("Z 1 Index","OPEN","30/01/00","03/09/12","","BarSz=","Dir=V","Dts=S","Sort=A", "Quote=C ", "UseDPDF=Y ")
    Last edited by offthelip; 11-03-2017 at 01:07 PM.

  3. #3
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    To help you further on this, I have created this simplified spreadsheet which should get you started:
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    You should say that you posted on other forums.

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