I am gettting an error:

Method 'GetOpenFilename' of object '_Application' failed

The strange thing is that it works fine on a PC. Same versions of Office.

Here is my code:

[VBA]Dim fname As Variant
Dim FNUM As Long
Dim SLINE As String
Dim I As Long
Dim RW As Long
fname = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="TEXT FILES (*.TXT), *.TXT")
If fname <> False Then
FNUM = FreeFile()
Open fname For Input As #FNUM
Do While Not EOF(FNUM)
Line Input #FNUM, SLINE
RW = RW + 1
For I = 1 To Len(SLINE)
Cells(RW, I).Value = Mid(SLINE, I, 1)