Hi, folks.

I have a Word file with a Macro that, among other things, deletes a button on the file and saves it with a different name. This is working fine on my PC (Windows 7) and other PC's (mostly windows XP) in the office, but on one particular PC (Windows XP) the code fails on the
line in this bit of code

If Left(ConsecutivoCorregido, 3) <> "SG-" Then
            MsgBox "El formato del consecutivo debe tener la forma SG-056-17 (tres números para identificar el memo)"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim objShape As InlineShape
        Dim doc As Document
        Set doc = Application.ActiveDocument
        For Each objShape In doc.InlineShapes
            If objShape.Type = wdInlineShapeOLEControlObject Then
            End If
The error window says "error 438 in execution time" (not sure if this is the exact message in English, I'm translating from Spanish) and "Object does not admit this property or method".

Any idea why would this fail on this particular PC? The PC where it fails is running Windows XP, but so are other PCS in the office where the code runs fine.

Thanks in advance.