I am rewriting some programs of mine that I lost and am using a new combination of software : Windows 10, Visual Studio Community 2017, SQL Server Express 2017 and Office 2016 (I had the exact same problem with Office 2007).
I have created a SQL Server Project in Visual Studio, which seems to be OK, and I can see the Project in my data Folder. I can access and update the data using Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio 17.
However, when I try to Open the Database in my Outlook VBA program I get an error as follows ...

This is my code, the Data Source details are all copied from the Target Connection String generated in Visual Studio, I added the Provider=SQLOLEDB line as that seemed to be what my searches online insinuated it should be, but I don't know ... I have found mention of problems like this needing a change in the registry, but the OLEDB_SERVICES entry already exists and if that is the case the website says "examine your connection string for other possible errors" ... well yes, but that's the problem isn't it ?!?!?

I just need to connect to the Database so I can get on with this !!!

Set KA_DB = New ADODB.Connection
Set KA_RS_Leagues = New ADODB.Recordset
Set KA_Com = New ADODB.Command

KA_DB.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
        "Data Source=GARYSPC\SQLEXPRESS;" & _
        "Initial Catalog=KADB;" & _
        "Integrated Security=True;" & _
        "Persist Security Info=False;" & _
        "Pooling=False;" & _
        "MultipleActiveResultSets=False;" & _
        "Connect Timeout=60;" & _
        "Encrypt=False;" & _

Set KA_Com.ActiveConnection = KA_DB
Please can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong ?!?