Hey guys!

I'm working currently on a function for a growing table.
The current structure is following this approach:

The first column consists the number for the Person; Column B the Month und C the respective Value.

The aim is to sum the months, if the cumulated value is greater than (>=) 15.
So the first person has only a cumulated value of 2 > no sum or call
The second person (16) has a cumulated value of 15 > sum (1)
So the month September get the value of +1 (in a matrix with a months and the value/ sum)
The third person has an value 15 at and 20.

The problem is that I need only the sum of the months, if the value is >=15
Then I need the sum, if the value is growing up to 20.
The steps a defined by 5 units.
So the first sum is called by 15 and the second sum by 20 and so on.
The table ist growing. So the person gets by the next update maybe a new row and the cumulated value ist growing with every update.

Do you understand this approach/ problem?
Or do you need more information?

Best regards!