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Thread: Dynamic tax calculator

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2016

    Dynamic tax calculator

    Hi Guys,

    I have to write a sub that asks for income, and passes it to a function to calculate tax. My problem is that the function has to be dynamic, so that the various inputs (Eg. tax levels and tax %'s can be changed, or other rows added) can be altered.

    How can I do this?
    Thanks so much for the help!


  2. #2
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    I assume this is homework assignment because AFAIK, all revenue department tax tables have all that built in.

    None of the below is executable code. It is just to give you an idea of the algorithm

    Declare two arrays,arrBreakPoint and arrTaxPct.

    Loop thru the arrays from Lbound Array to Ubound Array - 1
    While Income > ArrBreakPoint(n)
    TotalTax = TotalTax + (ArrBreakPoint(n) - ArrBreakPoint(n-1)) *arrTaxPct(n)

    If Income > ArrBreakPoint(n+1) then TotalTax = Income - ArrBreakPoint(n+1) * arrTaxPct(n+1)
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2016
    Yeh, homework assignment. Would have been nice if our professor had discussed arrays before making us do this.
    Thanks, wasn't looking for executable code, just an idea of how I could go about solving it

  4. #4
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Dim myArray As Variant
    myArray = Range("A4:A10").Value
    Array indices start at 0, so LBound(myArrayabove) = 0 and UBound(myArrayabove) = 6

    Using For i = Lbound(array) to Ubound(Array) means that doesn't matter.

    I bet he also didn't tell you that the only Variables that don't need meaningful names are i, j, and k, because since before the birth of UNIVAC, those have been used as counters and indices.

    For extra points, place your function in a Standard Module and declare it like this
    Public Function TotalTaxes(Income As Double) As Double
    That makes TotalTaxes a User Defined Function to Excel and it will be available with Excel's Insert Function routine at the Formula Bar.

    Then in Cell E5 on your attachment, put this formula
    Then you can place a list of incomes in D5 and down, and copy E5 down next to the list and see the taxes for each income.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2016
    I really appreciate the help, not gonna lie, even after reading the chapter on arrays in my textbook just now, i'm still pretty confused.
    For my function, I tried to follow along your guidelines and wrote this:
       Dim arrBreakPoint() As Integer   Dim arrTaxPct() As Integer
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim totalTax As Integer
       For i = LBound(arrBreakPoint) To UBound(arrBreakPoint)
            Do While income > arrBreakPoint(i)
                totalTax = totalTax + (arrBreakPoint(i) - arrBreakPoint(i - 1) * arrTaxPct(i))
            If income > arrBreakPoint(i + 1) Then
                totalTax = income - (arrBreakPoint(i + 1) * arrTaxPct(i))
            End If
            ReDim Preserve arrBreakPoint(i + 1)
            ReDim Preserve arrTaxPct(i + 1)
    But as you can tell, it's not working. Where am I going so incredibly wrong?

  6. #6
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    That is not all the code.

    Socratic Questions:
    Is it supposed to be a Sub Procedure or a Function Procedure?
    Where do the inputs come from?
    Where do the results go?
    How are the arrays filled with Values?

    Home work question:
    What is the difference between an Integer Type Variable and a Double Type Variable.

    Grade = 40 (= Boo! Hissss)
    For i = LBound(arrBreakPoint) To UBound(arrBreakPoint) 
        Do While income > arrBreakPoint(i) 
            totalTax = totalTax + (arrBreakPoint(i) - arrBreakPoint(i - 1) * arrTaxPct(i)) 
    When does the Do While exit?

    Grade = 89 (=B++, <>A)
        Do While income > arrBreakPoint(i) 
            totalTax = totalTax + (arrBreakPoint(i) - arrBreakPoint(i - 1) * arrTaxPct(i)) 
    What happens at each point in the calculation when i = LBound(arrBreakPoint)

    Can a If i = ??? Then. . . Else. . .End If fix that?
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  7. #7
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2016
    ok, so I'm going to work through this step by step.

    1. It's a sub and a function - I have a sub that calls the tax function. Don't ask me why this is necessary, the book just wants it
    2. I have income as the input coming in from the sub - input box to request income
    3. added a message box at the end of the function to display the results - once I have a result :P
    4. Ok this is where it gets harder. Bear with me <3
    I tried to fill the arrays. I am on the right track or am I just leading myself down the garden path?
        Dim arrBreakPoint() As Integer
        Dim arrTaxPct() As Double
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim totalTax As Double
        Dim size As Long
       With Range("a3")        
               size = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(.Offset(1, 0)), Range(.Offset(.End(xlDown), 0)))
        End With
        ReDim arrBreakPoint(size)
        ReDim arrTaxPct(size)
        With Range("a3")
            For i = 1 To size
                arrBreakPoint(i) = Range(.Offset(i, 0)).Value
                arrTaxPct(i) = Range(.Offset(i, 1)).Value
        End With
    Oh, an HW: looked up integer and double - looks like the difference is precision and the decimal place. Integer being whole numbers. So I changed my totalTax to double and the taxPct to double?

    P.s I appreciate you basically teaching me arrays, I really do.
    Last edited by Roofasa; 08-04-2016 at 05:55 PM. Reason: formatting

  8. #8
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    It's a sub and a function
    Can't be both. Just like a Chicken can't be a Hen and a Rooster.

    Sub Test()
    MsgBox = TotalTaxes(Income)
    End Sub
    Function TotalTaxes(Income as ???) As ???
    Code here
    End Function
    I tried to fill the arrays. I am on the right track or am I just leading myself down the garden path?
    Go back to my post #4, it's got all the info you need. Minor detail changes is all it needs to be exactly what you want.

    In all this I am assuming that the break point and tax rates are on the worksheet. another way to declare an array (mixed) is
    Sub t()
    COnst one as Integer = 1
    Const Two as Long = 234567
    Const Three as Double = 3.4
    Dim myVariable as variant
    Dim i as long
    MyvaRIable = Array("Abc", "Bcd", "Cde", 123, 234, 345, OnE, Two, three)
    For i = LBoUnd(myVariable) to UBound(myVariabe)
    MsgBox myVariable(i)
    Next i
    End Sub
    Contains deliberate Case errors. Paste into VBA as is and watch the magic.

    VBA Editor tips:
    Open the menu Tools >> Options >> Editor Tab. Check every box on that Tab except Drag and Drop, unless you like D&D. I set the Tab Width to 2. The Editor Format Tab will let you play with the colors and Fonts used in the VBA Editor. On the General Tab, I check all except Notify, including Break On all Errors. On the Docking Tab, I check all except Object Browser because I want to see all columns in it.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  9. #9
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2016
    I'm pretty stuck and confused as hell
    Every time I try to do something, i get subscript out of range.
    So I think there is a problem here:
    arrBreakPoint = Range("a4:a7").Value
    arrTaxPct = Range("b4:b7").Value
    For i = LBound(arrBreakPoint) To UBound(arrBreakPoint)
    Am I setting up my for loop wrong?

  10. #10
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    That part looks good. Now show us the rest of the code, from "Sub. . ." to "End Sub," or from "Function..." to "End Function," inclusive.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  11. #11
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2016
    This is what I am at right now. I know its not all the way there inside the for loop, but I think I'm heading in the right direction.
    Public Sub calctax()    Dim income As Double
        income = InputBox("What was your income this year in $", "Tax Calculator")
        Call totalTax(income)
    End Sub

    Public Function totalTax(income As Double) As Double
        Dim arrBreakPoint() As Variant
        Dim arrTaxPct() As Variant
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim size As Long
          arrBreakPoint = Range("a4:a7").Value
          arrTaxPct = Range("b4:b7").Value
            For i = LBound(arrBreakPoint) To UBound(arrBreakPoint)
              Do While income > arrBreakPoint(i)
                If income <= arrBreakPoint(1) Then
                  totalTax = 0
                  totalTax = totalTax + ((arrBreakPoint(i) - arrBreakPoint(i - 1)) * arrTaxPct(i))
                End If
              If income > arrBreakPoint(i + 1) Then
                totalTax = income - (arrBreakPoint(i + 1) * arrTaxPct(i))
              End If
            Next i
          End Function
    Last edited by Roofasa; 08-05-2016 at 11:47 AM. Reason: added loop

  12. #12
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    This is the executing part of your function rewritten using the actual numbers extant at the start of execution. Assuming an income of 30K.
    For i = 0 to 3
    'i = 0
    Do while 30K > 15K
    If 30K < 45K then
    TotalTax = 0
    TotalTax = TotalTax + (15K - arrBreakPoint(0 - 1)) * 0.00
    That's all, folks
    This is the executing part assuming an income of 50K or greater
    For i = 0 to 3
    Do while 50K > 15K
    If 50K > 45> then
    TotalTax = 50K - 45K * 0.0
    End if 
    Loop 'While 50K > 15K
    That's all, folks
    Now, assuming an income of 10K
    For i = 0 to 3
    Next i
    'Function returns it's initial value of 0
    'Whoa, that was fast. And it returned the correct result!

    STOP! Copy this code to Notebook and think about it while reading my post #6 before reading my next post.
    Last edited by SamT; 08-05-2016 at 01:50 PM.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  13. #13
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2016
    Ok, working on it.

    Can you please tell me why
    Do While income > arrBreakPoint(i)
    Is giving me a subscript out of range error?

  14. #14
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    That post was to show you how to look at the logic of your code. That "Subscript Out of Range" error was because you were trying to use the subcript LBound() - 1 There ain't no such animal as a subscript smaller then LBound

    Your code needs to know what sheet the Ranges are on.

    There is no need for an inner loop, the For... Next loop is sufficient.

    This line from your post #5 is just about all you need except when arrBreakPoint(i - 1) causes an error. That happens when i = LBound(arrBreakPoint) or 0
    totalTax = totalTax + (arrBreakPoint(i) - arrBreakPoint(i - 1) * arrTaxPct(i))
    The very first iteration thru the For... next loop needs special handling
    If i = Lbound(array) Then TotalTax = Array1(i) * array2(i)
    Note I didn't use TotalTax = TotalTax + etc? That is because the first time thru, there is no previous TotalTax to add to. We don't want to use any Magic Numbers because your professor will change all the values in the tax table and add a percentage to the bottom income level.

    Now we have
    For i = Etc
    If i = Lbound then
    Blah, Blah,
    Blah, Blah
    End if
    Next i
    I suggest you copy all my posts to Notepad or Word and read them over before you try coding again.

    Since we don't want to charge tax on 15K when the income is only 10K
    TotalTax =  Min(Income, arrBreakPoint(LBound)) * arrTaxPct(LBound))
    I'll let you figure out how to handle (i) <> LBound

    Since we don't want to even enter into any tax calculations unless the Income is above a certain amount
    If Income > breakpoint array(i-1) Then calculate for Arrays(i)
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  15. #15
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2016
    OK, this is starting to make sense. Another question I have, say income is greater than 65k, my final break point, (at which point everything above 65k is charged at a fixed %). Should I just add another scenario to my if statement?
    for i = array1 to array 2
         if (i)= 1 then
         Elseif (i)> 1 and income < array1(i)
         End If
    Next i
    Also your last two lines of code make sense, and I understand why I need them. But I'm a little confused as to where I would put them? Should I determine if income < 15k before starting my for loop?
    Last edited by Roofasa; 08-05-2016 at 04:06 PM. Reason: clarification

  16. #16
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Should I determine if income < 15k before starting my for loop?
    No. What if there is a tax on income below the bottom breakpoint?



    Tax pct
    Array index
    From 0 to $15,000 0% 0
    From 15K to $45,000 15% 1
    From 45K to $65,000 20% 2
    From 65K to $85,000 25% 3
    above 85K ??? N/A

    You should check if Income is negative, otherwise the function will return a negative tax

    Another question I have, say income is greater than 65k, my final break point, (at which point everything above 65k is charged at a fixed %). Should I just add another scenario to my if statement?
    Technically, the Final Breakpoint is 85K.

    That is a judgement call. Does the professor like you to follow the rules EXACTLY? Does he/she like to see you use some initiative? My answer might be inappropriate because I am an arrogant genius smart-ass showoff with no social sense at all.

    I think you have a good beginner's levl of understanding of Arrays now, so I will attempt to explain the required algorithmic logic for this assignment. BTW, tell me before this assignment is due so I can cut to the chase, so to speak.

    For Programming purposes, stop thinking of Taxes. Mentally refer to the Tax Pct column/Array as the Multiplier Array. Reason: Prgrmmers can't look at any regular value type like a member of society does. We must only see them as items to be manipulated. Contrary-wise, we must look at the values the same way others do while we run What-If scenarios thru our pointy little heads. Your professor does not see this as a Tax problem, but only as a numbers problem. So our What-Ifs must also see it as a numbers problem.

    Refer to the expanded "Tax" table above.

    Previous Breakpoint,AKA arrBreakpoint(i-1), herein referred to as FromPoint

    Code algorithm:
    First step: Run the Code only on positive Income
    If Income <= 0 Then Exit Function
    Then: For each income bracket, Multiply the TaxPct by only the part of Income that falls in that Bracket.
    Special case of First array index. (if existed, FromPoint.Value = 0):
    If i = LBound(Array) then
    Min(Income, arrBreakPoint(i)) * TaxPct
    End If
    Other Indexes:
    Min(Income - FromPoint, BreakPoint -FromPoint) * TaxPct
    iterate thru Arrays, LOOP

    Special case of Income > i = UBound(Array) AKA > 85K. If you decide to "Tax income above 85K:
    If Income > arrBreakPoint(i) then
    (Income - arrBreakPoint(i)) * arTaxPct(i)
    End Function here

    About "Min()": Min is a function that returns the minimum of values inside the brackets. Example:
    A = 5
    B = 3
    X = Min(A, B, A/B, A-B, A+B, B/A, B-A)
    X = -2

    I have tried hard to NOT cheat for you so that if needed, you can point your professor at this thread.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  17. #17
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2016
    Hi Sam,

    Thanks for that. I fly out to Korea in two hours for work, and plan on working on this on the flight. My homework assignment is due several hours after I land. Perhaps sometime this evening you could write executionable code so I can cross check what I've got when I land?

    I really appreciate you walking me through arrays. I know I could probably have solved this you just if statements with enough time, but I figured this was a good opportunity to learn arrays, and seeing as I had a couple of days before it was due, why not! It has been fun... and frustrating pushing myself. I've only been practicing VBA for about 6 days, so the 20 or so questions we had in these assignments have been a huge learning curve.

    I've been considering getting in to programming, but wasn't sure if I would really like it. This past week helped me fall in love with the problem solving that has come with coding, so I think I am going to start working on a new language once I finish this class this week. If you have any suggestions on a good language to start with, I would love to hear it!

    Once again, I can't thank you enough! Your mysterious and sometime riddling answers kept my cogs spinning for two days

  18. #18
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    All tested and working in Excel XP. Had to jump far ahead of my lesson plan.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  19. #19
    You can use cis tax calculator it will show probable calculations make sure do not seek to replace professional advice. All calculations are aimed to just give a fair idea only.

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