Hi all,

I have super simple code that takes the excel file you are in and saves it to a SharePoint site. This was developed and is mostly used by people running Office 2010. Now, my company is slowing changing people over to Office 2013. This particular workbook has many macros but the SharePoint upload is the only piece not working any longer. Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.

Sub uploadToSP_Click()
    Dim xlFileName As String
    Dim SharepointAddress As String
    Dim LocalAddress As String
    Dim objNet As Object
    Dim FS As Object
    Dim drive As String
    Dim spPath As String
    Dim pos As Integer

    'Determine file name
    xlFileName = [projectname] & " - Playbook " & Replace([StartDate], "/", "-") & ".xlsm"
    'spPath = Range("G14").Value
    spPath = [spDir]
    'Make sure there is a path to use
    If Len(spPath) = 0 Then
        MsgBox ("Please enter a Sharepoint directory.")
        Exit Sub
        'strip everything after the status reports library
        pos = InStr(1, spPath, "/Forms", vbTextCompare)
        spPath = Left$(spPath, pos)
    End If
    'set the global vaiable to be used in the email module
    spURL = spPath & xlFileName
    SharepointAddress = Replace(spPath, "https:", "") & xlFileName

    Application.EnableEvents = False
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fileName:=SharepointAddress, _
    Application.EnableEvents = True

    'Save the file locally to reset the working directory
End Sub