Dear Experts,

I have the following this set of code that can paste excel range A1:A100 to a Word doc. However, the range, after being pasted to Word, remains a table.
Please how do I insert some codes to this vba to convert the pasted range from table to text. I know how to convert table to text but I dont know how to code this action to my vba below.

Many thanks for any help.

[VBA]Option Explicit
Sub Screenshot()
'transfers XL range with format to Word doc
'makes changes to "c:\Test.doc" Change directory to suit
Dim Wdapp As Object, Rng As Range, c As Range
Sheets("sheet1").Range("A1:A100").Select 'change range to suit
Set Rng = Selection
For Each c In Rng
c.BorderAround Weight:=xlThin, ColorIndex:=2
Next c
Selection.Copy 'Picture xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap
On Error GoTo Errmsg
Set Wdapp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Wdapp.ChangeFileOpenDirectory "c:\"
Wdapp.documents.Open Filename:="Test.doc"
With Wdapp.activedocument
.Range(0, .Characters.Count).Delete 'clears document
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Wdapp.Visible = True
Exit Sub
Errmsg: MsgBox "You have an error"
Set Wdapp = Nothing
End Sub[/VBA]