The following code works properly in Word, but while I'm copying converted text by this code, from Word to Publisher in some reason tab position has changing. Second And third are on left position instead of right.

    Dim oRng As Range
    Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
    With oRng.Find
    Do While .Execute(FindText:="RAMKA", MatchWholeWord:=True)
    oRng.End = ActiveDocument.Range.End
    If oRng.Paragraphs.Count > 1 Then
    oRng.Start = oRng.Paragraphs(2).Range.Start

End If
              With oRng
                .Font.Name = "Arial Narrow"
                .Font.Size = 8
                With .ParagraphFormat
                    .LeftIndent = CentimetersToPoints(0)
                    .RightIndent = CentimetersToPoints(0)
                    .SpaceBefore = 0
                    .SpaceBeforeAuto = False
                    .SpaceAfter = 0
                    .SpaceAfterAuto = False
                    .LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceMultiple
                    .LineSpacing = LinesToPoints(0.9)
                    .Alignment = wdAlignParagraphJustify
                    .WidowControl = True
                    .KeepWithNext = False
                    .KeepTogether = False
                    .PageBreakBefore = False
                    .NoLineNumber = False
                    .Hyphenation = True
                    .FirstLineIndent = CentimetersToPoints(0)
                    .OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
                    .CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0
                    .CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0
                    .CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0
                    .LineUnitBefore = 0
                    .LineUnitAfter = 0
                    .MirrorIndents = False
                    .TextboxTightWrap = wdTightNone
                    .TabStops.Add Position:=CentimetersToPoints(3), _
                    Alignment:=wdAlignTabRight, Leader:=wdTabLeaderSpaces
                    .TabStops.Add Position:=CentimetersToPoints(3.3), _
                    Alignment:=wdAlignTabRight, Leader:=wdTabLeaderSpaces
                    .TabStops.Add Position:=CentimetersToPoints(3.88), _
                    Alignment:=wdAlignTabRight, Leader:=wdTabLeaderSpaces
                End With
            End With
            Exit Do
    End With
    Set oRng = Nothing
End Sub