I'm attempting to have a user input a date into objTextBox and it must be formatted as ddmmmyy. If the date format is incorrect or something other than a date it'll post Invalid Date into objTextBox5. That part works but my code does not recognize the text objTextBox as a date entered in the format ddmmmyy to then paste into objTextBox3. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm a very novice VBA user and have wrecked my brain on this for many iterations lol figured it was time for help.

Sub LnSelR2_Date()
Dim objPresentaion As Presentation
Dim objSlide As Slide
Dim objTextBox As Shape
Dim objTextBox3 As Shape
Dim objTextBox5 As Shape

Set objPresentaion = ActivePresentation
Set objSlide = objPresentaion.Slides.Item(1)
Set objTextBox = objSlide.Shapes.Item("TextBox1")
Set objTextBox3 = objSlide.Shapes.Item("TextBox3")
Set objTextBox5 = objSlide.Shapes.Item("TextBox5")

If objTextBox.TextFrame.TextRange = Format(Date, "ddmmmyy") Then
objTextBox5.TextFrame.TextRange = "Invalid Date"
End If

End Sub