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Thread: MkDir Runtime Error 76

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Jun 2018

    MkDir Runtime Error 76

    Hi all,

    I am getting hung up on error 76 - path not found at MKDIR in macro below... any thoughts? network path is right and have access...

    Sub createRequestNumberAndSave()

    Const requestPath = "\\xxxxxxxxx\shares\department\Purchasing and Inventory\Test File\Purchase Req" ' request root save path
    Const fNamePrefix = "Req" ' prefix for the filename
    Const fNameExt = ".xlsm" ' file extension
    Const getRequestDate = "B4" ' we GET the DATE of the request from B4
    Const putRequestNumber = "E7" ' we will PUT the new filename into cell E7

    Dim reqDate As Date
    Dim folderName As String
    Dim fName As String
    Dim fNum As Long
    Dim nextRequestNum As Long

    'get the request date and make sure it's valid
    If IsDate(Range(getRequestDate).Value) Then
    'valid date found in cell B4
    reqDate = Range(getRequestDate).Value
    'valid date not found in B4. Do we want to default to today's date?
    'vbLf is new line like "alt & enter"
    If MsgBox("Cell " & getRequestDate & " does not contain a valid date." & vbLf & vbLf & _
    "Do you want to use today's date instead?", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Date not found") <> vbOK Then
    Call MsgBox("Request Not Saved.", vbCritical + vbononly, "User Cancelled")
    Exit Sub 'stop running
    reqDate = Date 'use today's date
    End If
    End If

    'find the next unused request number for this month
    folderName = Format(reqDate, "YYYYMMM")
    nextRequestNum = 0

    'figure out the next unused "file number"
    fName = Dir(requestPath & folderName & "" & fNamePrefix & folderName & "-*" & fNameExt)
    If fName = "" Then
    'file not found
    If Dir(requestPath & folderName, vbDirectory) = "" Then
    'month not found - create folder?
    If MsgBox("Okay to create folder '" & requestPath & folderName & "' for request #" & folderName & "-001 ?", _
    vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "Folder not Found") <> vbOK Then Exit Sub
    'create folder
    MkDir (requestPath & folderName)
    End If
    'month found. Now find the highest request number in the folder.
    Do While fName <> ""
    Debug.Print "Found File: " & fName
    'get the number (filename = fNamePrefix & "YYYYMMM-___.xlsm" so we know where it is
    If IsNumeric(Mid(fName, 9 + Len(fNamePrefix), 3)) Then 'it's a valid number
    fNum = Val(Mid(fName, 9 + Len(fNamePrefix), 3))
    'if it's the biggest so far, remember it
    If fNum > nextRequestNum Then nextRequestNum = fNum 'biggest one so far
    End If
    fName = Dir
    End If

    'we have the next available request#
    nextRequestNum = nextRequestNum + 1 'new request# (numeric)
    'PUT the new request# (text) in cell E7
    Range(putRequestNumber).Value = fNamePrefix & folderName & "-" & Format(nextRequestNum, "000")
    fName = requestPath & folderName & "" & Range(putRequestNumber).Value & fNameExt
    Debug.Print "Saving as: " & fName

    'save file
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fName

    'DOUBLE CHECK check that file exists
    If Dir(fName) = "" Then
    'something went wrong (file wasn't saved)
    Call MsgBox("ERROR! FILE NOT SAVED: " & fName, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "ERROR!")
    End If

    'success message!
    Call MsgBox("Request saved successfully:" & vbLf & vbLf & fName, vbInformation, "Request Created")

    'NextRequest '?

    Call Email_1

    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    Welcome to the forum! Please paste code between code tags. Type them or click the # icon on toolbar to insert them.

    Const requestPath = "\\xxxxxxxxx\shares\department\Purchasing and Inventory\Test File\Purchase Req\" ' request root save path

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Jun 2018

    Still no luck

    Hi Kenneth - thank you for the quick response and welcome!

    Unfortunately I continue to have the same error with the "" ...

    Anything else you can think of here?


    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Hobs View Post
    Welcome to the forum! Please paste code between code tags. Type them or click the # icon on toolbar to insert them.

    Const requestPath = "\\xxxxxxxxx\shares\department\Purchasing and Inventory\Test File\Purchase Req\" ' request root save path

     Sub createRequestNumberAndSave()    
        Const requestPath = "\\xxxxxx\shares\department\Purchasing and Inventory\Test File\Purchase Req\"  ' request root save path
        Const fNamePrefix = "Req"           ' prefix for the filename
        Const fNameExt = ".xlsm"            ' file extension
        Const getRequestDate = "B4"         ' we GET the DATE of the request from B4
        Const putRequestNumber = "E7"       ' we will PUT the new filename into cell E7
        Dim reqDate As Date
        Dim folderName As String
        Dim fName As String
        Dim fNum As Long
        Dim nextRequestNum As Long
        'get the request date and make sure it's valid
        If IsDate(Range(getRequestDate).Value) Then
            'valid date found in cell B4
            reqDate = Range(getRequestDate).Value
            'valid date not found in B4. Do we want to default to today's date?
            'vbLf is new line like "alt & enter"
            If MsgBox("Cell " & getRequestDate & " does not contain a valid date." & vbLf & vbLf & _
                "Do you want to use today's date instead?", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Date not found") <> vbOK Then
                    Call MsgBox("Request Not Saved.", vbCritical + vbononly, "User Cancelled")
                    Exit Sub 'stop running
                reqDate = Date 'use today's date
            End If
        End If
        'find the next unused request number for this month
        folderName = Format(reqDate, "YYYYMMM")
        nextRequestNum = 0
        'figure out the next unused "file number"
        fName = Dir(requestPath & folderName & "\" & fNamePrefix & folderName & "-*" & fNameExt)
        If fName = "" Then
            'file not found
            If Dir(requestPath & folderName, vbDirectory) = "" Then
                'month not found - create folder?
                If MsgBox("Okay to create folder '" & requestPath & folderName & "' for request #" & folderName & "-001 ?", _
                    vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "Folder not Found") <> vbOK Then Exit Sub
                'create folder
                MkDir (requestPath & folderName)
            End If
            'month found. Now find the highest request number in the folder.
            Do While fName <> ""
                Debug.Print "Found File: " & fName
                'get the number (filename = fNamePrefix & "YYYYMMM-___.xlsm" so we know where it is
                If IsNumeric(Mid(fName, 9 + Len(fNamePrefix), 3)) Then 'it's a valid number
                    fNum = Val(Mid(fName, 9 + Len(fNamePrefix), 3))
                    'if it's the biggest so far, remember it
                    If fNum > nextRequestNum Then nextRequestNum = fNum 'biggest one so far
                End If
                fName = Dir
        End If
        'we have the next available request#
        nextRequestNum = nextRequestNum + 1 'new request# (numeric)
        'PUT the new request# (text) in cell E7
        Range(putRequestNumber).Value = fNamePrefix & folderName & "-" & Format(nextRequestNum, "000")
        fName = requestPath & folderName & "\" & Range(putRequestNumber).Value & fNameExt
        Debug.Print "Saving as: " & fName
        'save file
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fName
        'DOUBLE CHECK check that file exists
        If Dir(fName) = "" Then
            'something went wrong (file wasn't saved)
            Call MsgBox("ERROR! FILE NOT SAVED: " & fName, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "ERROR!")
        End If
        'success message!
        Call MsgBox("Request saved successfully:" & vbLf & vbLf & fName, vbInformation, "Request Created")
        'NextRequest '?
    Call Email_1
    End Sub

  4. #4
    VBAX Newbie
    Jun 2018
    Kenneth - to add one more piece of info:

    If I use requestPath: X:\Purchasing and Inventory\Test File\Purchase Req\ then it works perfectly. Only errors out when I try and make it more generic for others to use by \\xxxxxxx\shares\department does it error out...

  5. #5
    VBAX Newbie
    Jun 2018
    Update - File path was missing a character... works now for me but not yet for others on the drive... I'll get there...

  6. #6
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    A Shell() or ShellAndWait() routine may be needed for UNC paths.

    Sub Test()
      Dim f$, Msg$
      f = "k:\ken\"
      On Error GoTo Einfo
      'Debug.Print f
      'MsgBox f
      'MkDir f
      Shell "cmd /c md " & """" & f & """", vbHide
      Exit Sub
      Msg = "Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " _
        & Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description
      MsgBox Msg, , "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
    End Sub
    ShellAndWait() routines:

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