Hello all! My name is Michael and I'm seeking a method to help me facilitate the task of downloading files from Outlook hyperlinks to save time. I've searched this forum a few times viewing similar questions and I was unable to find one that matched my needs; or I didn't understand enough to re-purpose it. Thank you for taking a look!

My Problem
I receive many emails everyday linking to files located on an internal server which I need to download. Sometimes there are hundreds of files that I need to download and honestly, the way I've been doing it is to copy the hyperlink to clipboard, paste it into the windows search, drag it into a folder, and rename it. This can be an arduous process to say the least. I'm looking for a better way and I'm hoping a bit of VBA is the savior.

My Thoughts
Search through the body of an email looking for hyperlinks that match the below format (Name= Hyperlink)
Download all of the hyperlink files into a folder
Name the file by the it's "Name" (characters which precede the equal sign before the hyperlink)

The Files
All of the hyperlinks I want to download all contain the same beginning string "H:\LIB\DOCS\LIAB". It's not always in capital letters but the characters are the same.
File 1 Name Here= File://h:\lib\docs\LIAB\1234\2153265\MONKEY\2QR8323.DOC
Name of File 2= File://H:\LIB\DOCS\LIAB\5588\2054280\DINOSAUR\2YG3431.DOCX
Possible Name which breaks it 6/17/2018= File://h:\lib\docs\LIAB\9876\TURTLE\COSTSFIRM\4TP8398.PDF

Some additional information:

Reserved Characters in the "Name"
Some of the "Names" may have reserved characters. This will mostly be dates using backslashes but sometimes colons and other appear. Perhaps we can remove those characters entirely? I'm open to suggestions!

Preferred Save Location
%systemdrive%\users\%username%\Desktop\Outlook Hyperlinks
If this variable path doesn't work for this method, then a "C:\Folder" or something similar will be just as useful.

Dialog Box
I'm not sure if something like this would warrant a Dialog Box or not. I would think a dialog box notifying that "Downloads Complete" or similar would be comforting to see. No Dialog Box is perfectly acceptable too if this executes instantly and all I'm left with is waiting for the Windows file transfer to complete.

My Environment
Currently using Windows 7; upgrading to 10 soon. Outlook 2010. Please let me know if you need any specifics.