Good evening!

This is my first post and I am very new to this, so any help I can get would be very appreciated.

I am trying to create a macro that will allow me to record real-time updated data into a vertical column.

In Excel I've figured out how to get stock prices to update real-time. I have saved several different sheets which each contain a stock price that automatically updates from the web.

From this data, I would like to create 2 different workbooks. Both workbooks would have a worksheet for each stock that contains a vertical list of the stock price at various intervals.

The first one would update the stock price every hour. (Left Column would be "time" and column to the right would be "price")

The second one would update the stock price every 24 hours - specifically at 4:05PM EST. (Left column would be "Date" and column to the right would be "price at closing")

Please, add a bit more detail than you think necessary - I'm an absolute beginner, but I'm trying to wrap my head around some things and I think this would be a great help.

Thank you!