Hi, complete beginner with VBA here. I want to send an email using VBA and attach multiple sheets from the workbook onto the same email, as separate attachments. I found some codes online that attaches a single sheet as a PDF but some of them do not work for me. I'm using Excel-2016. I found one that works but it takes a really long time for the email display to pop up and the code is in no means optimized. Also I'm unable to attach multiple sheets as separate PDFs too.

Here's my code:
Sub AttachMultipleSheetPDF()
  Dim IsCreated As Boolean
  Dim i As Long
  Dim PdfFile As String, Title As String
  Dim OutlApp As Object
  ' Not sure for what the Title is
  Title = Range("C11")
  ' Define PDF filename
  PdfFile = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
  i = InStrRev(PdfFile, ".")
  If i > 1 Then PdfFile = Left(PdfFile, i - 1)
  PdfFile = PdfFile & "_" & ActiveSheet.Name & ".pdf"
  ' Export activesheet as PDF
  With Sheets("Hotel Booking")
    .ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PdfFile, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
  End With
  ' Use already open Outlook if possible
  On Error Resume Next
  Set OutlApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
  If Err Then
    Set OutlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    IsCreated = True
  End If
  OutlApp.Visible = True
  On Error GoTo 0
  ' Prepare e-mail with PDF attachment
  With OutlApp.CreateItem(0)
    ' Prepare e-mail
    .Subject = Title
    .To = "..." ' <-- Put email of the recipient here
    .CC = "..." ' <-- Put email of 'copy to' recipient here
    .Body = "Hi," & vbLf & vbLf _
          & "The report is attached in PDF format." & vbLf & vbLf _
          & "Regards," & vbLf _
          & Application.UserName & vbLf & vbLf
    .Attachments.Add PdfFile                                                                               'Trying to attach Sheets("Hotel Booking") here

  Dim i As Long
  Dim PdfFile2 As String, Title2 As String

 ' Not sure for what the Title is
  Title2 = Range("C15")
  ' Define PDF filename
  PdfFile2 = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
  i = InStrRev(PdfFile2, ".")
  If i2 > 1 Then PdfFile2 = Left(PdfFile, i - 1)
  PdfFile2 = PdfFile2 & "_" & ActiveSheet.Name & ".pdf"
  ' Export activesheet as PDF
  With Sheets("Cache")
    .ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PdfFile2, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
  End With
  ' Use already open Outlook if possible
  On Error Resume Next
  Set OutlApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
  If Err Then
    Set OutlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    IsCreated2 = True
  End If
  OutlApp.Visible = True
  On Error GoTo 0
  ' Prepare e-mail with PDF attachment
  With OutlApp.CreateItem(0)

    .Attachments.Add PdfFile2                                                         'trying to attach Sheets("Cache") here
    ' Try to send
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.Visible = True
    If Err Then
      MsgBox "E-mail was not sent", vbExclamation
      MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", vbInformation
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
  End With
  ' Delete PDF file
  Kill PdfFile
  ' Quit Outlook if it was created by this code
  If IsCreated Then OutlApp.Quit
  ' Release the memory of object variable
  Set OutlApp = Nothing
 End With
End Sub
Strapped of time so I also asked this question here: