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Thread: Using vba script for date formats in M$ Word 2016

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2014

    Using vba script for date formats in M$ Word 2016

        year_ = Format(DateAdd("m", 0, Date), "yyyy")    year_Month = Format(DateAdd("d", 0, Date), "yyyy Mmm")
        year_Month_Date = Format(DateAdd("d", 0, Date), "yyyy Mmm dd")
        Mnth = Format(Application.WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(Date, 1), "Mmm")
    This code works great in M$ Excel. Now, I want to use it for M$ Word, but it doesn't.

    After some digging around the net, I found this code to add a date in the format in the footer, that I want it in, but it doesn't work.

        If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial <> wdPaneNone Then
        End If
        If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdNormalView Or ActiveWindow. _
            ActivePane.View.Type = wdOutlineView Then
            ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
        End If
        ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageFooter
        Application.Templates( _
            "C:\Users\JStewa11\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\16\Built-In Building Blocks.dotx" _
            ).BuildingBlockEntries(" Blank (Three Columns)").Insert Where:=Selection. _
            Range, RichText:=True
        Selection.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
        Selection.Font.Size = 10
        Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
        Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
        Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
        Selection.TypeText Text:="CHS Bingham Cooperative Inc."
        Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
        Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        Selection.InsertDateTime DateTimeFormat:="yyyy mmm dd", InsertAsField:=True, DateLanguage:=wdEnglishUS, CalendarType:=wdCalendarWestern, InsertAsFullWidth:=False
        If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial <> wdPaneNone Then
        End If
        If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdNormalView Or ActiveWindow. _
            ActivePane.View.Type = wdOutlineView Then
            ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
        End If
        ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader
    Please help.

  2. #2
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2014
    The code above does work, but it does not add the date.

    I save my documents in a hierarchical method as "H:\Projects\2018\Jul". The file should use the prefix of "2018 Jul 16 - Comments.docx". In addition, I changed my M$ Windows default date format to yyyy mmm dd, so in my system tray, I actually see the format I want. Now, I want to use the default format in my "saveAs" code, but my code doesn't use the format. Instead it deletes the date portion and saves the document in my "H:\Projects" folder, not in the folder I need.

    ChangeFileOpenDirectory "H:\Projects\" & yyyy & "\" & yyyy & " " & mmm & "\"    ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:="H:\Projects\" & yyyy & "\" & yyyy & " " & mmm & " " & dd & " - Afternoon Comments.docx", _
            FileFormat:=wdFormatXMLDocument, LockComments:=False, Password:="", _
            AddToRecentFiles:=True, WritePassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _
            EmbedTrueTypeFonts:=False, SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, SaveFormsData _
            :=False, SaveAsAOCELetter:=False, CompatibilityMode:=15
        ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:="H:\Projects\" & yyyy & "\" & yyyy & " " & mmm & " " & dd & " - Afternoon Comments.pdf" _
            , ExportFormat:=wdExportFormatPDF, OpenAfterExport:=False, OptimizeFor:= _
            wdExportOptimizeForPrint, Range:=wdExportAllDocument, From:=1, To:=1, _
            Item:=wdExportDocumentContent, IncludeDocProps:=True, KeepIRM:=True, _
            CreateBookmarks:=wdExportCreateNoBookmarks, DocStructureTags:=True, _
            BitmapMissingFonts:=True, UseISO19005_1:=False
    End Sub
    Any clues?

  3. #3
    This is fairly straightforward, but you cannot make up your own syntax and expect it to work - the first macro will add the date to all the footers and the second will create the folder (if not present) and save the document in it. Drive H: must be available and capable of being written to.

    Option Explicit
    'Graham Mayor - - Last updated - 17 Jul 2018 
    Sub Macro1()
    Dim strDate As String
    Dim oFooter As HeaderFooter
    Dim oSection As Section
    Dim oRng As Range
        strDate = Format(Date, "yyyy mmm dd")
        For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
            For Each oFooter In oSection.Footers
                If oFooter.Exists Then
                    Set oRng = oFooter.Range
                    oRng.Collapse 1
                    oRng.Text = strDate
                End If
            Next oFooter
        Next oSection
        Set oRng = Nothing
        Set oFooter = Nothing
        Set oSection = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub Macro2()
    Dim strPath As String
        strPath = "H:\Projects\" & Format(Date, "yyyy") & "\"
        CreateFolders strPath
        ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:=strPath & Format(Date, "yyyy mmm dd") & " - Afternoon Comments.docx", _
                               FileFormat:=wdFormatXMLDocument, _
                               LockComments:=False, Password:="", _
                               AddToRecentFiles:=True, _
                               WritePassword:="", _
                               ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _
                               EmbedTrueTypeFonts:=False, _
                               SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, _
                               SaveFormsData:=False, _
                               SaveAsAOCELetter:=False, _
        ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:=strPath & Format(Date, "yyyy mmm dd") & " - Afternoon Comments.pdf", _
                                           ExportFormat:=wdExportFormatPDF, _
                                           OpenAfterExport:=False, _
                                           OptimizeFor:=wdExportOptimizeForPrint, _
                                           Range:=wdExportAllDocument, _
                                           From:=1, to:=1, _
                                           Item:=wdExportDocumentContent, _
                                           IncludeDocProps:=True, _
                                           KeepIRM:=True, _
                                           CreateBookmarks:=wdExportCreateNoBookmarks, _
                                           DocStructureTags:=True, _
                                           BitmapMissingFonts:=True, _
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Public Sub CreateFolders(strPath As String)
    'A Graham Mayor/Greg Maxey AddIn Utility Macro
    Dim oFSO As Object
    Dim lng_PathSep As Long
    Dim lng_PS As Long
        If Right(strPath, 1) <> "\" Then strPath = strPath & "\"
        lng_PathSep = InStr(3, strPath, "\")
        If lng_PathSep = 0 Then GoTo lbl_Exit
        Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            lng_PS = lng_PathSep
            lng_PathSep = InStr(lng_PS + 1, strPath, "\")
            If lng_PathSep = 0 Then Exit Do
            If Len(Dir(Left(strPath, lng_PathSep), vbDirectory)) = 0 Then Exit Do
        Do Until lng_PathSep = 0
            If Not oFSO.FolderExists(Left(strPath, lng_PathSep)) Then
                oFSO.CreateFolder Left(strPath, lng_PathSep)
            End If
            lng_PS = lng_PathSep
            lng_PathSep = InStr(lng_PS + 1, strPath, "\")
        Set oFSO = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

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