Hello guys I am stuck with one problem. I want to automate email sending using gmail but I do not want to use CDO as it requires a password.
To be more exact I need to be able to edit the body of gmail.

I have found a solution if body does not contain a signature. In this case you just need to get a HTML element and use method .insertAdjacentHTML or .insertAdjacentText (HTMLBox.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeEnd",
"<a href=www.google.lt>text<a><br><Hello/>") (HTMLBox.insertAdjacentText "beforeEnd", "test")

However if there is a signature option "beforeEnd" types text AFTER the signature instead of before it. Is there a way to insert HTML or text before the signature?

Bellow there is a HTML code and my VBA code. What i need to do is ability to type into "><" or edit the HTML text right after 364px; line (see html code bellow). You can see I added red rectangle to highlight that area in HTML code.

html code.jpg

vba code.jpg