Hello, can someone help me, I'm trying to combine multiple pdf files into one file. I found the code below that gets me almost there but I'm stuck on how to combine all pdf files in column A of an excel spreadsheet, the tricky part is that each time I need to run the macro, the number of files that need to be combined changes. Any help would be much appreciated!

Sub Main()
Dim MyFiles As String, DestFile As String
With ActiveSheet
MyFiles = .Range("A1").Value & "," & .Range("A2").Value
DestFile = .Range("A3").Value
End With
Call MergePDFs01(MyFiles, DestFile)
End Sub

Sub MergePDFs01(MyFiles As String, DestFile As String)
' Reference required: VBE - Tools - References - Acrobat

Dim a As Variant, i As Long, n As Long, ni As Long
Dim AcroApp As New Acrobat.AcroApp, PartDocs() As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc

a = Split(MyFiles, ",")
ReDim PartDocs(0 To UBound(a))

On Error GoTo exit_
If Len(Dir(DestFile)) Then Kill DestFile
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
' Check PDF file presence
If Dir(Trim(a(i))) = "" Then
MsgBox "File not found" & vbLf & a(i), vbExclamation, "Canceled"
Exit For
End If
' Open PDF document
Set PartDocs(i) = New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc ' CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
PartDocs(i).Open Trim(a(i))
If i Then
' Merge PDF to PartDocs(0) document
ni = PartDocs(i).GetNumPages()
If Not PartDocs(0).InsertPages(n - 1, PartDocs(i), 0, ni, True) Then
MsgBox "Cannot insert pages of" & vbLf & a(i), vbExclamation, "Canceled"
End If
' Calc the amount of pages in the merged document
n = n + ni
' Release the memory
Set PartDocs(i) = Nothing
' Calc the amount of pages in PartDocs(0) document
n = PartDocs(0).GetNumPages()
End If

If i > UBound(a) Then
' Save the merged document to DestFile
If Not PartDocs(0).Save(PDSaveFull, DestFile) Then
MsgBox "Cannot save the resulting document" & vbLf & DestFile, vbExclamation, "Canceled"
End If
End If


' Inform about error/success
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error #" & Err.Number
ElseIf i > UBound(a) Then
MsgBox "The resulting file is created:" & vbLf & DestFile, vbInformation, "Done"
End If

' Release the memory
If Not PartDocs(0) Is Nothing Then PartDocs(0).Close
Set PartDocs(0) = Nothing

' Quit Acrobat application
'DoEvents: DoEvents
Set AcroApp = Nothing

End Sub