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Thread: Array Problem (Swapping array value based on determined row)

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Sep 2018

    Talking Array Problem (Swapping array value based on determined row)

    Hi guys, really appreciate if you can help me solve this problem

    So basically, I have one array as the result of other array. Here is the code:

    Option Explicit
    Sub MakeDynamicArray()
    'This VBA aims to populate the data in the sheet into the VBA Array
        'This to state the global variable
        Dim Jobs() As Variant
        Dim DueDate() As Date
        Dim ProcessTime() As Variant
        Dim TotalProcessTime As Double
        Dim DDDuration() As Variant
        Dim Starttime As Date
        Dim Penalty() As Double
        'This is additional variables to support global variables
        Dim row1 As Long, row2 As Long, row3 As Long
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, x As Long, y As Long, temp As Variant
        Dim TempMinPen As Double
        Dim NumberofRow As Integer
        'Activate the sheet that we want to take the value into the array
        'This to determine the number of rows that will be populated into the array
        row1 = Range("D7", Range("D6").End(xlDown)).Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row - 7
        row2 = Range("G7", Range("G6").End(xlDown)).Cells.Count - 1
        row3 = Range("P7", Range("P6").End(xlDown)).Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row - 7
        'This combine the variable and the row#
        ReDim Jobs(0 To row1)
        ReDim DueDate(0 To row2)
        ReDim ProcessTime(0 To row3)
        'This to populate all the available rows
        For row1 = LBound(Jobs, 1) To UBound(Jobs, 1)
            Jobs(row1) = Range("D7").Offset(row1).Value
        Next row1
        For row2 = LBound(DueDate, 1) To UBound(DueDate, 1)
            DueDate(row2) = Range("G7").Offset(row2).Value
        Next row2
        For row3 = LBound(ProcessTime, 1) To UBound(ProcessTime, 1)
            ProcessTime(row3) = Range("P7").Offset(row3).Value
        Next row3
       'This to get the sum of all process time and due date duration
       TotalProcessTime = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ProcessTime)
       TempMinPen = 5000
       'This to get the due date duration
       Starttime = Range("w19").Value
       ReDim DDDuration(0 To UBound(DueDate, 1))
       ReDim Penalty(0 To UBound(DDDuration, 1))
       'This to populate the array of Due date duration
       For i = LBound(DDDuration, 1) To UBound(DDDuration, 1)
            DDDuration(i) = DueDate(i) - Starttime
       Next i
       'This to populate the array of Penalty
        For x = UBound(Penalty, 1) To LBound(Penalty, 1) Step -1
            Penalty(x) = TotalProcessTime - DDDuration(x)
         Next x
        'This to find the minimum value of penalty and find the row that consist of it
        For i = UBound(Penalty, 1) To LBound(Penalty, 1) Step -1
            For j = i - 1 To LBound(Penalty, 1) Step -1
              If Penalty(j) < TempMinPen Then
                TempMinPen = Penalty(j)
                NumberofRow = j
                'Swap all array based on numberofrow
                temp = Jobs(i)
                Jobs(i) = Jobs(j)
                Jobs(j) = temp
                temp = DDDuration(i)
                DDDuration(i) = DDDuration(j)
                DDDuration(j) = temp
                temp = ProcessTime(i)
                ProcessTime(i) = ProcessTime(j)
                ProcessTime(j) = temp
                temp = Penalty(i)
                Penalty(i) = Penalty(j)
                Penalty(j) = temp
                temp = DueDate(i)
                DueDate(i) = DueDate(j)
                DueDate(j) = temp
            End If
        Next j
    Next I
    How to exclude the last value in the array out of the calculation of total process time. Moreover, that total process time to be later will be used again to calculate the new penalty of all the jobs exclude the job that has been placed in last row.

    This process will loop until all the jobs has been sorted.

    Really appreciate for your help!!

    Last edited by mbrill; 09-10-2018 at 11:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    Please study this first:

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