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Thread: Need to compare two string columns based on similarities and return a value

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Sep 2018

    Need to compare two string columns based on similarities and return a value

    Hi I have two worksheets.
    I want to compare cell B2 in worksheet 'applications' - with cells $B$2:$B$16 in worksheet 'grants' such that if a cell in worksheet 'grants' has more than three similar words to cell B2 then the agreement ID correlating to that cell in worksheet 'grants' is reflected in worksheet 'applications' next to cell B2 under the heading 'Awarded'.

    please help!

  2. #2
    VBAX Contributor
    Jul 2017
    I'm not an expert, but how about using the INSTR function: Instr([start], string, substring, [compare])

    Assuming that the strings in 'grants' are comma-separated,...maybe something in that direction:

    Dim i as long, j as long
    Dim numCounter as long: numCounter = 0
    Dim rng as range: set rng = Worksheets("grants").range("B2:B16")
    Dim arr as variant: arr = rng
    Dim arrSplit as variant
    Dim str as string: str = Worksheets("applciations").range("B2").text
    For i = Lbound(arr,1) to Ubound(arr, 1)
       Redim arrSplit = Split(arr(i,1), " , ")
       For j = Lbound(arrSplit,1) to Ubound(arrSplit, 1)
          If Instr(1, arrSplit(j,1), str, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
             numCounter = numCounter + 1
          End if 
       next j
       If numCounter = 3 then
          Worksheets("applications").Range("C2") = rng.cells(i,2)
          numCounter = 0
       End if 
       Exit for 
    Next i

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