Dear Sir

I am Trying to click on button by VBA on internet document. but did not get successes. getting some error.

here bellow is my URL

here bellow is my Code

Public Sub JDLOGIN()

'On Error Resume Next
    Dim Sn As Integer
    Dim ie As Object
    Dim url As String
    Dim Doc As HTMLDocument
   url = ""
    Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

    With ie
      .Visible = 0
      .navigate url
       While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4
    End With

     Call ie.document.parentWindow.execScript("javascript:submt_os('2','whatsapptriggeer','whatsapptriggeer')")

End Sub

my be you will not get this ID "whatsaaptriggeer" in html in your PC/Laptop, because they need mobile number first to enter.

find my HTML

you can that ID in this HTML in Row no. 25

please help me out how can I click this button by VBA