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Thread: Problem with date comparisson

  1. #1

    Problem with date comparisson


    I am working on a calendar generator in Excel using VBA, i have chosen this route cause a special formating is needed for the calendar and also because everything i can automate is a good thing.

    I got the generator running as intended, but now i want to mark holidays like christmas or easter. This part gives me a hard time.

    So heres some (shortened and simplified) example code

    Sub holiday()
    Dim holidays(1 to 2) as Date
    holidays(1) = 01.01.2018
    holidays(2) = 06.01.2018
    Dim day as Byte
    Dim month as Byte
    Dim counter as integer
    Dim holidayDay as integer
    Dim holidayMonth as Integer
    For month = 1 to 1
        For day = 1 to 31
        Cells(1,day).value = day
            For counter = 1 to 2
                holidayDay = Format(holidays(counter), "DD")
                holidayMonth = Format(holidays(counter), "MM")
                If holidayDay = day and holidayMonth = month Then
                    Cells(1,day).interior.colorindex = 3
                End If
            Next counter
        Next day
    Next month
    End Sub
    So basically i want the cell with the corresponding day to be colored. What happend was that i get the coloring of by a 1 (so instead of the 6th gets colored the 5th gets colored and the first one does not get colored at all.

    Oh and the first for loop should go from 1 to 12 cause a new worksheet gets generated for each month.

    I hope you can help.

    If it is needed i can provide the whole code tomorrow when i have access to my laptop.

    Best Regards

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard p45cal's Avatar
    Oct 2005
    Surrey UK
    Sub holiday()
    Dim holidays(1 To 2)    ' As Date
    Dim day As Byte
    Dim month As Byte
    Dim myDate    ' As Date
    holidays(1) = CLng(CDate("2018/1/1"))
    holidays(2) = CLng(CDate("2018/1/6"))
    For month = 1 To 1
      For day = 1 To 31
        Cells(1, day).Value = day
        If Not IsError(Application.Match(CLng(DateSerial(2018, month, day)), holidays, 0)) Then Cells(1, day).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
      Next day
    Next month
    End Sub
    Everyone: If I've helped and you can't be bothered to acknowledge it, I can't be bothered to look at further posts from you.

  3. #3
    Thanks p45cal

    I had to tweak the code a little bit but now it works as intended

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