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Thread: Text to Rows Macro : Subscript out of range

  1. #1

    Text to Rows Macro : Subscript out of range

    Hi Guys,

    I am trying to perform a text to rows for comma delimited column entries. I have included the screenshot of the raw data and the clean data. I am also including my code and a screenshot of it in the excel vba window. If you could please guide me with what I am doing wrong I would really appreciate it.

    Please assume columns B and C are switched around. I forgot to make that change!

    Last edited by bhrigu; 11-04-2018 at 11:58 PM. Reason: The system wouldn't let me attach my code or images.

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru mancubus's Avatar
    Dec 2010
    "Where I lay my head is home" :D
    post your workbook pls.

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    Replace company specific / sensitive / confidential data. Include so many rows and sheets etc in the uploaded workbook to enable the helpers visualize the data and table structure. Helpers do not need the entire workbook.

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    always back up your files before testing the codes.

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  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Oct 2018
    Hi all,

    Please try this code, I tried to reproduce your situation. I intentionally left an empty cell.
    I hope this helps.

    Sub Main()
    Dim I, J, Temp, LastRaw
    Dim RawD, CleanD As Worksheet
    Set RawD = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RawData")
    Set CleanD = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("CleanedData")
    For I = 1 To RawD.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        LastRaw = CleanD.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'Last raw to write after
        If Not IsEmpty(Range("C" & I)) Then         'avoid empty cells
            Temp = Split(Range("C" & I), ",")
            For J = LastRaw To UBound(Temp) + LastRaw
                CleanD.Cells(J, 1) = RawD.Cells(I, 1)     'to copy the cells in columns A and B
                CleanD.Cells(J, 2) = RawD.Cells(I, 2)     '************************************
                CleanD.Cells(J, 3) = Temp(J - LastRaw)    'We write the value in the CleanedData sheet
            Next J
                CleanD.Cells(LastRaw, 1) = RawD.Cells(I, 1)     'to copy the cells in columns A and B
                CleanD.Cells(LastRaw, 2) = RawD.Cells(I, 2)     '************************************
        End If
    Next I
    End Sub
    Last edited by Toubkal; 11-05-2018 at 06:14 AM. Reason: for attachment

  4. #4
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I usually have to test the upper bound when I use Split() and there's a chance of no data or no separator

    Option Explicit
    Sub test()
        Dim s As String
        Dim v As Variant
        s = "Has a Comma, In String"
        v = Split(s, ",")
        MsgBox v(0)
        MsgBox v(1)
        s = "No Comma Here"
        v = Split(s, ",")
        If UBound(v) > 0 Then
            MsgBox v(0)
            MsgBox v(1)
            MsgBox v(0)
        End If
        s = ""
        v = Split(s, ",")
        If UBound(v) > 0 Then
            MsgBox v(0)
            MsgBox v(1)
        ElseIf UBound(v) = -1 Then
            MsgBox "Empty string"
            MsgBox v(0)
        End If
    End Sub


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  5. #5
    Hi all,

    Thank you so much for your help. I cant figure out how I would attach an excel workbook here, so I am literally pasting everything here. Please excuse me. I am sure there is a better way I cant figure out.

    I need to perform a text to row using columns F and T.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by bhrigu; 11-06-2018 at 03:32 PM.

  6. #6
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    At the bottom right, click [Go Advanced] and hen the 'paperclip' icon to first "Add Files", then "Browse" then "Upload"

    Make sure to remove or replace any personal, sensitive, confidential, or proprietary information first


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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  7. #7
    I have updated my previous comment to attach the file I need to automate. Thank you so much in advance.

  8. #8
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    A2 has 2 names and T2 has 5 organizations

    Do you want 2 cleaned rows with
    Name#1, ...5 orgs
    Name#2 … 5 orgs

    Or 10 rows with all combanations (2 x 5 = 10)?


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  9. #9
    VBAX Regular
    Oct 2018
    It would be better if you send an example of cleaned data for row 2. What to expect for F2 and T2 as Paul said (2 names vs 5 orgs.)

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_Hossler View Post
    A2 has 2 names and T2 has 5 organizations

    Do you want 2 cleaned rows with
    Name#1, ...5 orgs
    Name#2 … 5 orgs

    Or 10 rows with all combanations (2 x 5 = 10)?

    I apologize for not explaining this better. We want 10 rows with all combinations (2 x 5 = 10)?

    For eg. for row 6, which looks like this:

    8044 9/7/2016 Frank Kauffman GRC Continuation Amy, Robin O&E - R&T 1 Processed Finished High C&M Customer NMA 2q, 23s, 4d, 9s Phase 2 scope execution complete 8/29/2016 9:00 8/29/2016 9:00
    we want it like

    8044 9/7/2016 Frank Kauffman GRC Continuation Amy O&E - R&T 1 Processed Finished High C&M Customer NMA 2q Phase 2 scope execution complete 8/29/2016 9:00 8/29/2016 9:00
    8044 9/7/2016 Frank Kauffman GRC Continuation Amy O&E - R&T 1 Processed Finished High C&M Customer NMA 23s Phase 2 scope execution complete 8/29/2016 9:00 8/29/2016 9:00
    8044 9/7/2016 Frank Kauffman GRC Continuation Amy O&E - R&T 1 Processed Finished High C&M Customer NMA 4d Phase 2 scope execution complete 8/29/2016 9:00 8/29/2016 9:00

    8044 9/7/2016 Frank Kauffman GRC Continuation Amy O&E - R&T 1 Processed Finished High C&M Customer NMA 9s Phase 2 scope execution complete 8/29/2016 9:00 8/29/2016 9:00

    8044 9/7/2016 Frank Kauffman GRC Continuation Robin O&E - R&T 1 Processed Finished High C&M Customer NMA 2q Phase 2 scope execution complete 8/29/2016 9:00 8/29/2016 9:00

    8044 9/7/2016 Frank Kauffman GRC Continuation Robin O&E - R&T 1 Processed Finished High C&M Customer NMA 23s Phase 2 scope execution complete 8/29/2016 9:00 8/29/2016 9:00

    8044 9/7/2016 Frank Kauffman GRC Continuation Robin O&E - R&T 1 Processed Finished High C&M Customer NMA 4d Phase 2 scope execution complete 8/29/2016 9:00 8/29/2016 9:00
    8044 9/7/2016 Frank Kauffman GRC Continuation Robin O&E - R&T 1 Processed Finished High C&M Customer NMA 9s Phase 2 scope execution complete 8/29/2016 9:00 8/29/2016 9:00

  11. #11
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    This isn't the fastest but it is the most straight-forward

    Option Explicit
    Sub Raw2Cleaned()
        Dim wsRaw As Worksheet, wsClean As Worksheet
        Dim f As Long, t As Long, rowClean As Long, rowRaw As Long
        Dim aryF As Variant, aryT As Variant
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set wsRaw = Worksheets("RawData")
        Set wsClean = Worksheets("CleanedData")
        wsRaw.Rows(1).Copy wsClean.Rows(1)
        rowClean = 2
        For rowRaw = 2 To wsRaw.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
            Application.StatusBar = rowRaw
            With wsRaw.Rows(rowRaw)
                aryF = Split(.Cells(6).Value, ",")
                aryT = Split(.Cells(20).Value, ",")
                For f = LBound(aryF) To UBound(aryF)
                    For t = LBound(aryT) To UBound(aryT)
                        .Copy wsClean.Rows(rowClean)
                        wsClean.Cells(rowClean, 6) = aryF(f)
                        wsClean.Cells(rowClean, 20) = aryT(t)
                        rowClean = rowClean + 1
                    Next t
                Next f
            End With
        Next rowRaw
        Application.StatusBar = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files


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  12. #12
    VBAX Regular
    Oct 2018

    Try this code, it's similar to the code above but taking into account blank cells.
    If a cell in column F is empty: it just copies the entire line and continues to next line.
    If a cell in column T is empty: it does text to rows for each name in column F (w/ empty cells in T)

    Sub Main()
    Dim I, J, K, TempF, TempT
    Dim RawD, CleanD As Worksheet
    Set RawD = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RawData")
    Set CleanD = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("CleanedData")
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    LastRow = CleanD.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For I = 1 To RawD.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        If IsEmpty(Range("F" & I)) Then                 'no data in F --> copy entire line and continue, in case you want to do text to rows for each data in T, just replace 1 & 2 with MOD code below.
            RawD.Rows(I).Copy CleanD.Rows(LastRow)  '1
            LastRow = LastRow + 1                   '2
        ElseIf IsEmpty(Range("T" & I)) Then               'no data in T --> do text to rows for each name in F cell with empty cells in F column.
            TempF = Split(Range("F" & I), ",")
            For J = LBound(TempF) To UBound(TempF)
                    RawD.Rows(I).Copy CleanD.Rows(LastRow)
                    CleanD.Cells(LastRow, 6) = TempF(J)
                    LastRow = LastRow + 1
            Next J
        Else                                                             'Do text to rows job for
            TempF = Split(Range("F" & I), ",")
            TempT = Split(Range("T" & I), ",")
            For J = LBound(TempF) To UBound(TempF)
                For K = LBound(TempT) To UBound(TempT)
                    RawD.Rows(I).Copy CleanD.Rows(LastRow)
                    CleanD.Cells(LastRow, 6) = TempF(J)
                    CleanD.Cells(LastRow, 20) = TempT(K)
                    LastRow = LastRow + 1
                Next K
            Next J
        End If
    Next I
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
                TempT = Split(Range("T" & I), ",")
                For K = LBound(TempT) To UBound(TempT)
                    RawD.Rows(I).Copy CleanD.Rows(LastRow)
                    CleanD.Cells(LastRow, 20) = TempT(K)
                    LastRow = LastRow + 1
                Next K
    Tested in your sample file.

    Good Luck.
    Last edited by Toubkal; 11-09-2018 at 05:25 AM.

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