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Thread: Allow access to certain sheets in a workbook

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Dec 2018

    Allow access to certain sheets in a workbook


    I tried the following:

    I have a workbook with A Sheet called 'Agenda' and a sheet called 'Tasks'. These two sheets are Always visible.
    Then I have a sheet per employee containing their working hours. I used VBA to make sure an employee has to log in in order to see their personal sheet and the two sheets I mentioned before.

    I have two questions about this:

    - Can I make the visible sheets after the employee logs in 'read only'?
    - Is there a way to log in as an admin and unlock all the sheets at once?

    I use the following code for the workbook:

    rivate Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Dim w As Worksheet Dim bSaveIt As Boolean bSaveIt = False For Each w In Worksheets If w.Visible Then Select Case w.Name Case "employee1" w.Protect ("paswoord1") w.Visible = False bSaveIt = True Case "employee2" w.Protect ("paswoord2") w.Visible = False bSaveIt = True Case "employee3" w.Protect ("paswoord3") w.Visible = False bSaveIt = True Case "employee4" w.Protect ("paswoord4") w.Visible = False bSaveIt = True Case "employee5" w.Protect ("paswoord5") w.Visible = False bSaveIt = True Case "employee6" w.Protect ("paswoord6") w.Visible = False bSaveIt = True End Select End If Next w If bSaveIt Then ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("auth").Delete ActiveWorkbook.Save End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() UserForm1.Show End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) If Sh.Name <> "Agenda" Then If Sh.Name <> "Tasks" Then If Sh.Name <> ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("auth").Value Then Sh.Visible = False MsgBox "You have no right to view this sheet" End If End If End If End Sub
    I use the following code for the login form:

    Dim bOK2Use As Boolean
    Private Sub btnOK_Click()
        Dim bError As Boolean
        Dim sSName As String
        Dim p As DocumentProperty
        Dim bSetIt As Boolean
        bOK2Use = False
        bError = True
        If Len(txtUser.Text) > 0 And Len(txtPass.Text) > 0 Then
            bError = False
            Select Case txtUser.Text
                Case "Employee1"
                    sSName = "Employee1"
                    If txtPass.Text <> "paswoord1" Then bError = True
                Case "Employee2"
                    sSName = "Employee2"
                    If txtPass.Text <> "paswoord2" Then bError = True
                Case "Employee3"
                    sSName = "Employee3"
                    If txtPass.Text <> "paswoord3" Then bError = True
                Case "Employee4"
                    sSName = "Employee4"
                    If txtPass.Text <> "paswoord4" Then bError = True
                Case "Employee5"
                    sSName = "Employee5"
                    If txtPass.Text <> "paswoord5" Then bError = True
                Case "Employee6"
                    sSName = "Employee6"
                    If txtPass.Text <> "paswoord6" Then bError = True
                Case Else
                    bError = True
            End Select
        End If
        If bError Then
            MsgBox "Not a valid username or password"
            'Set document property
            bSetIt = False
            For Each p In ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
                If p.Name = "auth" Then
                    p.Value = sSName
                    bSetIt = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next p
            If Not bSetIt Then
                ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add _
                  Name:="auth", LinkToContent:=False, _
                  Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:=sSName
            End If
            Sheets(sSName).Visible = True
            Sheets(sSName).Unprotect (txtPass.Text)
            bOK2Use = True
            Unload UserForm1
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
        If Not bOK2Use Then
            ActiveWorkbook.Close (False)
        End If
    End Sub
    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    VBAX Newbie
    Dec 2018
    Maybe the title of my post isn't saying much about the question. Actually it's about permissions to worksheets… So depending on who logs in, certain worksheets should be visible or not and they should be read only or not…

    Don't know how to change the title though...

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