I have created an user form which has a frame. The frame contains several labels. My objective is to highlight the label when mouse points to that label but highlight should disappear once mouse moves to next label and the next label should be highlighted.

Following is my code:

Code is my user form:

Dim Labels() As New LblClass

    Dim LabelCount          As Long
    Dim ctl                 As Control

    ' Create the Label objects
    LabelCount = 0
    For Each ctl In Frame1.Controls
       If TypeName(ctl) = "Label" Then
          LabelCount = LabelCount + 1
          ReDim Preserve Labels(1 To LabelCount)
          Set Labels(LabelCount).LabelGroup = ctl
       End If
    Next ctl

Created a class called LblClass and this class has following code:

Public WithEvents LabelGroup As MSForms.Label

Private Sub LabelGroup_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

   LabelGroup.ForeColor = vbWhite
   LabelGroup.SpecialEffect = 1
   LabelGroup.BackStyle = 1
   LabelGroup.BackColor = &H808000
End Sub

With above code, when mouse moves over a label it is highlighted. Next when mouse moves over a new label, new label is highlighted and old label is still highlighted. This continues. How can I remove the highlight from my previous label when mouse moves over new label.
