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Thread: Extracting Four Specific Data for each Row. Complex and Disorganized Raw Data.

  1. #1

    Extracting Four Specific Data for each Row. Complex and Disorganized Raw Data.

    Dear kind souls,

    I have to extract data from a particular raw data however I have very extremely limited VBA knowledge and would greatly appreciate the help and assistance.

    My End Goal is to create a VBA Code/Macro that will allow me to extract 4 specific data from a row and put them in a specific table format.

    Sample Excel:Sample Excel.xlsx

    The 4 data that I need is the Date, InfoA, InfoG and InfoH. The End Goal format is in Sheet 2 with some examples in it.

    First in Sheet 1, to obtain the InfoA, it is in Column A with a specific format of 15 digits. However the raw data sometimes pushes down some data hence there will be other random data. However, the InfoG and InfoH will always be present on the row with InfoA. Hence I was wondering is it possible to extract all the data indicating the specific format of what InfoA is supposed to be.

    Secondly the InfoG and InfoH is like ID which is supposed to be in Column G and H respectively however sometimes the data will be pushed back to Column F and G. The format of this data will be 10-digit beginning with 2020 or 2-letters followed by 5-digits etc. AA12345.

    Thirdly these data in the report will be based on the date of the Report Date which shows at the start of a report date which will be complicating since these files have multiple report date in one excel sheet.

    So the End Goal will be like this:

    InfoG(CellG12) Date(CellA3) InfoA(CellA12) Country
    InfoH(CellH12) Date(CellA3) InfoA(CellA12) Country

    This are to be repeated till the end of the worksheet.

    Your time and consideration into this matter is much appreciated.

    Thank You.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Try something like this

    I think I understood. Results are on "Sheet1-Extract' in the attachment

    Option Explicit
    Sub Extract()
        Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
        Dim rReport As Range, rReportEnd As Range, rReportRow As Range
        Dim sReportDate As String, InfoA As String, InfoG As String, InfoH As String
        Dim iRow As Long, iExtract As Long
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set ws1 = ActiveSheet
        Set rReportEnd = ws1.Cells(ws1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)
        Set rReport = Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), rReportEnd).Resize(, 9)
        iExtract = 1
        'delete output sheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Worksheets(ws1.Name & "-Extract").Delete
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        On Error GoTo 0
        'add extract sheet
        Worksheets.Add(, ws1).Name = ws1.Name & "-Extract"
        Set ws2 = Worksheets(ws1.Name & "-Extract")
        'go down report
        For Each rReportRow In rReport.Rows
            With rReportRow
                'Report Date: 03-Dec-18
                If Left(.Cells(1).Value, 11) = "Report Date" Then
                    sReportDate = Right(.Cells(1).Value, 9)
                ElseIf IsNumeric(.Cells(1).Value) Then
                    If Len(Format(.Cells(1).Value)) = 15 Then
                        InfoA = Format(.Cells(1).Value)
                        'InfoG and InfoH in 7 and 8 maybe
                        If Len(.Cells(6).Value) = 0 Then
                            If Format(.Cells(7).Value) Like "2020######" Or .Cells(7).Value Like "[A-Z][A-Z]#####" Then
                                InfoG = .Cells(7).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "2020######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Z][A-Z]#####" Then
                                InfoH = .Cells(8).Value
                            End If
                        'InfoG and InfoH in 6 and 8 maybe
                        ElseIf Len(.Cells(7).Value) = 0 Then
                            If Format(.Cells(6).Value) Like "2020######" Or .Cells(6).Value Like "[A-Z][A-Z]#####" Then
                                InfoG = .Cells(6).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "2020######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Z][A-Z]#####" Then
                                InfoH = .Cells(8).Value
                            End If
                        'InfoG and InfoH in 6 and 7 maybe
                        ElseIf Len(.Cells(8).Value) = 0 Then
                            If Format(.Cells(6).Value) Like "2020######" Or .Cells(6).Value Like "[A-Z][A-Z]#####" Then
                                InfoG = .Cells(6).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(7).Value) Like "2020######" Or .Cells(7).Value Like "[A-Z][A-Z]#####" Then
                                InfoH = .Cells(7).Value
                            End If
                        End If
                        'write to extract sheet
                        If Len(InfoG) > 0 Then
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 1).Value = InfoG
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 2).Value = sReportDate
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 3).Value = "'" & InfoA
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 4).Value = "Malaysia"
                            iExtract = iExtract + 1
                        End If
                        If Len(InfoH) > 0 Then
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 1).Value = InfoH
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 2).Value = sReportDate
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 3).Value = "'" & InfoA
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 4).Value = "Malaysia"
                            iExtract = iExtract + 1
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                InfoA = vbNullString
                InfoG = vbNullString
                InfoH = vbNullString
            End With
        'format and cleanup
        ws2.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox "Done"
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files


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  3. #3
    Dear Paul,

    Greatly appreciate your time and effort in this. I will try it out and let you know the outcome.

    Again thank you.


  4. #4
    Dear Paul,

    It's fantastic. Thank you so much for your time and effort in this. Greatly appreciate it.

    Best Regards,
    A soul you saved

  5. #5
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I changed the format of the original sample to match the later version of the macro, including the slight rearranging of the columns

    I think I captured your new format

    Since the data area was larger, we need more columns to look at, and if looks like there were some UPPER/lower case changed in the data

    Look at the attached version 1 and let me know

    '!!!!    Set rReport = Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), rReportEnd).Resize(, 9)
        Set rReport = Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), rReportEnd).Resize(, 11)
    '!!!!!            If Left(.Cells(1).Value, 11) = "REPORT DATE" Then
                If UCase(Left(.Cells(1).Value, 11)) = "REPORT DATE" Then
    '!!!!!                        If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[a-z][a-z]#####" Then
                            If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then

    Option Explicit
    Sub Extract_1()
        Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
        Dim rReport As Range, rReportEnd As Range, rReportRow As Range
        Dim sReportDate As String, TxnID As String, MakerID As String, checkerID As String
        Dim iRow As Long, iExtract As Long
        Worksheets("Sheet1").Select '       <<<<<<< Just for testing
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set ws1 = ActiveSheet
        Set rReportEnd = ws1.Cells(ws1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)
    '!!!!    Set rReport = Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), rReportEnd).Resize(, 9)
        Set rReport = Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), rReportEnd).Resize(, 11)
        iExtract = 1
        'delete output sheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Worksheets(ws1.Name & "-Extract").Delete
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        On Error GoTo 0
        'add extract sheet
        Worksheets.Add(, ws1).Name = ws1.Name & "-Extract"
        Set ws2 = Worksheets(ws1.Name & "-Extract")
        'go down report
        For Each rReportRow In rReport.Rows
            With rReportRow
                'REPORT DATE : 03-Dec-2018
    '!!!!!            If Left(.Cells(1).Value, 11) = "REPORT DATE" Then
                If UCase(Left(.Cells(1).Value, 11)) = "REPORT DATE" Then
                    sReportDate = Mid(.Cells(1).Value, 15, 11)
                ElseIf IsNumeric(.Cells(1).Value) Then
                    If Len(Format(.Cells(1).Value)) = 15 Then
                        TxnID = Format(.Cells(1).Value)
                        'MakerID and checkerID in 9 and 10 maybe
                        If Len(.Cells(8).Value) = 0 Then
    '!!!!!                        If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[a-z][a-z]#####" Then
                            If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                MakerID = .Cells(9).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(10).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(10).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                checkerID = .Cells(10).Value
                            End If
                        'MakerID and checkerID in 8 and 10 maybe
                        ElseIf Len(.Cells(9).Value) = 0 Then
                            If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                MakerID = .Cells(8).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(10).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(10).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                checkerID = .Cells(10).Value
                            End If
                        'MakerID and checkerID in 8 and 9 maybe
                        ElseIf Len(.Cells(10).Value) = 0 Then
    '                        Debug.Print .Cells(10).Address
                            If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                MakerID = .Cells(8).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                checkerID = .Cells(9).Value
                            End If
                        End If
                        'write to extract sheet
                        If Len(MakerID) > 0 Then
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 1).Value = MakerID
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 2).Value = sReportDate
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 3).Value = "'" & TxnID
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 4).Value = "China"
                            iExtract = iExtract + 1
                        End If
                        If Len(checkerID) > 0 Then
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 1).Value = checkerID
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 2).Value = sReportDate
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 3).Value = "'" & TxnID
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 4).Value = "China"
                            iExtract = iExtract + 1
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                TxnID = vbNullString
                MakerID = vbNullString
                checkerID = vbNullString
            End With
        'format and cleanup
        ws2.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox "Done"
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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  6. #6

    Additional Sample

    Dear Paul,

    I have attached the sample documents for your review:

    Report B Sample.xlsxReport C Sample.xlsx

    Your time and consideration into this matter is much appreciated.

    Thank You.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_Hossler View Post
    I changed the format of the original sample to match the later version of the macro, including the slight rearranging of the columns

    I think I captured your new format

    Since the data area was larger, we need more columns to look at, and if looks like there were some UPPER/lower case changed in the data

    Look at the attached version 1 and let me know

    '!!!!    Set rReport = Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), rReportEnd).Resize(, 9)
        Set rReport = Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), rReportEnd).Resize(, 11)
    '!!!!!            If Left(.Cells(1).Value, 11) = "REPORT DATE" Then
                If UCase(Left(.Cells(1).Value, 11)) = "REPORT DATE" Then
    '!!!!!                        If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[a-z][a-z]#####" Then
                            If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then

    Option Explicit
    Sub Extract_1()
        Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
        Dim rReport As Range, rReportEnd As Range, rReportRow As Range
        Dim sReportDate As String, TxnID As String, MakerID As String, checkerID As String
        Dim iRow As Long, iExtract As Long
        Worksheets("Sheet1").Select '       <<<<<<< Just for testing
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set ws1 = ActiveSheet
        Set rReportEnd = ws1.Cells(ws1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)
    '!!!!    Set rReport = Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), rReportEnd).Resize(, 9)
        Set rReport = Range(ws1.Cells(1, 1), rReportEnd).Resize(, 11)
        iExtract = 1
        'delete output sheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Worksheets(ws1.Name & "-Extract").Delete
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        On Error GoTo 0
        'add extract sheet
        Worksheets.Add(, ws1).Name = ws1.Name & "-Extract"
        Set ws2 = Worksheets(ws1.Name & "-Extract")
        'go down report
        For Each rReportRow In rReport.Rows
            With rReportRow
                'REPORT DATE : 03-Dec-2018
    '!!!!!            If Left(.Cells(1).Value, 11) = "REPORT DATE" Then
                If UCase(Left(.Cells(1).Value, 11)) = "REPORT DATE" Then
                    sReportDate = Mid(.Cells(1).Value, 15, 11)
                ElseIf IsNumeric(.Cells(1).Value) Then
                    If Len(Format(.Cells(1).Value)) = 15 Then
                        TxnID = Format(.Cells(1).Value)
                        'MakerID and checkerID in 9 and 10 maybe
                        If Len(.Cells(8).Value) = 0 Then
    '!!!!!                        If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[a-z][a-z]#####" Then
                            If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                MakerID = .Cells(9).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(10).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(10).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                checkerID = .Cells(10).Value
                            End If
                        'MakerID and checkerID in 8 and 10 maybe
                        ElseIf Len(.Cells(9).Value) = 0 Then
                            If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                MakerID = .Cells(8).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(10).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(10).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                checkerID = .Cells(10).Value
                            End If
                        'MakerID and checkerID in 8 and 9 maybe
                        ElseIf Len(.Cells(10).Value) = 0 Then
    '                        Debug.Print .Cells(10).Address
                            If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                MakerID = .Cells(8).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                checkerID = .Cells(9).Value
                            End If
                        End If
                        'write to extract sheet
                        If Len(MakerID) > 0 Then
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 1).Value = MakerID
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 2).Value = sReportDate
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 3).Value = "'" & TxnID
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 4).Value = "China"
                            iExtract = iExtract + 1
                        End If
                        If Len(checkerID) > 0 Then
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 1).Value = checkerID
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 2).Value = sReportDate
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 3).Value = "'" & TxnID
                            ws2.Cells(iExtract, 4).Value = "China"
                            iExtract = iExtract + 1
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                TxnID = vbNullString
                MakerID = vbNullString
                checkerID = vbNullString
            End With
        'format and cleanup
        ws2.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox "Done"
    End Sub
    Dear Paul,

    This is great it's working. However out of the 4385 data only 2746 data was picked up. I tried to study the code and i think i understand why. For the codes that i highlight and bold as per below, this cell values has to be empty for them to capture it. If there is some values in it they will not pick up that row. Is that it? Is there a way we can change the code to say that irrelevant if any value in the cell be it empty or something?

    'MakerID and checkerID in 9 and 10 maybe
    If Len(.Cells(8).Value) = 0 Then
    '!!!!! If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[a-z][a-z]#####" Then
    If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
    MakerID = .Cells(9).Value
    End If
    If Format(.Cells(10).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(10).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
    checkerID = .Cells(10).Value
    End If

    'MakerID and checkerID in 8 and 10 maybe
    ElseIf Len(.Cells(9).Value) = 0 Then
    If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
    MakerID = .Cells(8).Value
    End If
    If Format(.Cells(10).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(10).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
    checkerID = .Cells(10).Value
    End If

    'MakerID and checkerID in 8 and 9 maybe
    ElseIf Len(.Cells(10).Value) = 0 Then

    ' Debug.Print .Cells(10).Address

    If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
    MakerID = .Cells(8).Value
    End If
    If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
    checkerID = .Cells(9).Value

  8. #8
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Original request --

    The 4 data that I need is the Date, InfoA, InfoG and InfoH. The End Goal format is in Sheet 2 with some examples in it.

    First in Sheet 1, to obtain the InfoA, it is in Column A with a specific format of 15 digits. However the raw data sometimes pushes down some data hence there will be other random data. However, the InfoG and InfoH will always be present on the row with InfoA. Hence I was wondering is it possible to extract all the data indicating the specific format of what InfoA is supposed to be.

    Secondly the InfoG and InfoH is like ID which is supposed to be in Column G and H respectively however sometimes the data will be pushed back to Column F and G. The format of this data will be 10-digit beginning with 2020 or 2-letters followed by 5-digits etc. AA12345.
    1. The 3 Len() = 0 lines were to see if the two pieces of InfoG and InfoH were in G+H or F+G or F+H (bold above)

    2. Report B sample doesn't look anything like the original - 30 characters for InfoA, different formats for InfoJ/K and no country


    3. Report C sample doesn't look anything like the original - No InfoA (is it InfoF now with different formats and different lengths??), different formats for InfoH/L


    4. Are there 2 different input formats and 2 different output formats now?


    Is that it? Is there a way we can change the code to say that irrelevant if any value in the cell be it empty or something?
    Sure, so in ReportC there are blanks in H2:H8 and L2:L8. Each of those would still generate a line (14 in total) with a blank in Col A of the output sheet


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  9. #9
    Dear Paul,

    Thank you for your reply. Greatly appreciate it.

    1. Report B and Report C is a new separate report than the original request. So have to create 2 new macros for it. Was wondering if you could assist or guide me in creating those. The details of the request is in those files on a text box for each of them.

    The 3 Len() = 0 lines were to see if the two pieces of InfoG and InfoH were in G+H or F+G or F+H (bold above)
    Ah i see i understand now I think.

    Sure, so in ReportC there are blanks in H2:H8 and L2:L8. Each of those would still generate a line (14 in total) with a blank in Col A of the output sheet
    This is referring to the original request (We called it ReportA) but i tried to modify the code accordingly:

    'MakerID and checkerID in 9 and 10 maybe                    If Len(.Cells(50).Value) = 0 Then
    '!!!!!                        If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[a-z][a-z]#####" Then
                            If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                MakerID = .Cells(9).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(10).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(10).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                checkerID = .Cells(10).Value
                            End If
                        'MakerID and checkerID in 8 and 10 maybe
                        ElseIf Len(.Cells(50).Value) = 0 Then
                            If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                MakerID = .Cells(8).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(10).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(10).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                checkerID = .Cells(10).Value
                            End If
                        'MakerID and checkerID in 8 and 9 maybe
                        ElseIf Len(.Cells(50).Value) = 0 Then
    '                        Debug.Print .Cells(10).Address
                            If Format(.Cells(8).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(8).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                MakerID = .Cells(8).Value
                            End If
                            If Format(.Cells(9).Value) Like "1010######" Or .Cells(9).Value Like "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]#####" Then
                                checkerID = .Cells(9).Value
                            End If
                        End If
    So what I did was to change those Cells to 50 which is always a blank data.

    So i actually can capture most of the data now but not all of it. The total transaction data is 4385 and considering the format we put out whereby the extracted sheet should be double (considering that each row we split them cause InfoG and InfoH is to be separated) so there should be 8770 data in the extraction. However after I run the macro there's only 6374 data. I'm now trying to figure out why some InfoG or InfoH were skipped from the macro.

    4. I really can't thank you enough for all your time and effort in this. I truly truly appreciate it. But if you don't understand what I said or require further clarity please do let me know.

    Your kindness is greatly appreciated.

    Thank You.

  10. #10
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Look at these and see

    I think the format matches what you wanted
    Attached Files Attached Files


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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    4. Read the Forum FAQ, especially the part about cross-posting in other forums

  11. #11
    Dear Paul,

    Greatly appreciate it. I will check it out and let you know.

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,

  12. #12
    Dear Paul,

    Sorry for the late reply. The macro works well and it's perfect. I am really and truly grateful for all the time and effort you have spend on this. It has really taught me a lot.

    I really wanna express how much I truly appreciate this.

    Best Regards,

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