Hello. I am finding it difficult to work out how to insert two new shapes with text, as shown below, but with these then grouped.

Can you help please? Thank you.

Sub HeadingSingle()

Set B = ActiveWindow.View.Slide.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 45.5, 109.7, 725, 400)
With B.TextFrame2
.MarginTop = 0
.MarginBottom = 0
.MarginLeft = 0
.MarginRight = 0
.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorBottom
With .TextRange
.Text = "Heading Text"
.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = msoAlignLeft
With .Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = "12"
End With
End With

Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
Set C = ActiveWindow.View.Slide.Shapes.AddLine(45.5, 127, 770, 127).Line
With C
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
.Weight = 1
End With
End With

With myDocument.Shapes
With .Range(Array("B", "C")).Group
.Fill.PresetTextured msoTextureBlueTissuePaper
.Rotation = 45
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
End With

End Sub