Hello everyone,
I am a circuit designer using Cadence OrCAD Capture as tool, I am now trying to code a VBA script to automatically assign pins and nets according to a Excel file.
The script is set to be running in OrCAD but not Excel.
The intrinsic VBA compiler of OrCAD does not have a reference configurator and the reference must be added via codes.
"ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References." does not work in OrCAD Capture, I need some other method to cover this need.

The screenshot below is the result of running without reading XLS file:

SUB TestMacro
  'MACROMENU Set TestMacro Properties

path=InputBox("You are ****ed.","****ed path","E:\XM_EE.olb")
part=InputBox("You are ****ed.","****ed part","J_ASE6H4010")
desi=InputBox("You are ****ed.","****ed designator","")
PlacePart 0, 0, path, part, desi, FALSE

PlaceWire -0.3, 0.3, -0.8, 0.3
PlaceNetAlias 0, 0, "GPIO_****ed"

For i=0 To 10 Step 1
    PlaceWire 0.5, 0.1, 0, 0.1
    PlaceNetAlias 0, 0, "GPIO_****ed"

If anyone can solve my problem, I would be very appreciate, Thx!