
I have a macro in Excel, that is replacing values in Word with data stored in Worksheet. Then this changed Word is saved as new document. What is struggle is a command in VBA in Excel putting a password on Word document restricting it from edition.

Code i have now is as below:
Option Explicit

Public Sub INDEMNITY()
    Dim ws As Worksheet, msWord As Object
    Dim wbA As Workbook
    Dim strPath As String
    Dim itm As Range
    Dim customer_name As String
    Set wbA = ActiveWorkbook
    strPath = wbA.Path
    If strPath = "" Then
    strPath = Application.DefaultFilePath
    End If
    strPath = strPath & "\"

    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    Set msWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    customer_name = Range("f10").Value

    With msWord
        .Visible = True
        .Documents.Open strPath & "E-Commerce_Indemnity.docx"

        With .ActiveDocument.Content.Find

        For Each itm In ws.UsedRange.Columns("A").Cells
         .Text = itm.Value2                          'Find all strings in col A

                .Replacement.Text = itm.Offset(, 1).Value2  'Replacements from col B

                .MatchCase = False
                .MatchWholeWord = False

                .Execute Replace:=2     'wdReplaceAll (WdReplace Enumeration)
        End With
        With msWord
        .ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:=strPath & customer_name & "_E-commerce_Indemnity_letter.docx"
        End With

        msWord.DisplayAlerts = True
    End With
End Sub
I was trying command
Application.ActiveDocument.Protect wdAllowOnlyRevisions, password:="password"
But returns me error that Variable is not defined, for wdAllowOnlyRevisions