
I have pieced this code together from various sites that will go down the excel file and email all the email addresses I have populated.
My question is, the code just sends an email with whatever the body is in that column. Is there a way I can have those messages/body a saved .oft template?

Code i Have:

Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")

Dim OA As Object
Dim msg As Object

Set OA = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Dim i As Integer
Dim last_row As Integer

last_row = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(sh.Range("A:A"))

For i = 2 To last_row
Set msg = OA.Createitem(0)

msg.to = sh.Range("A" & i).Value
msg.cc = sh.Range("B" & i).Value
msg.Subject = sh.Range("C" & i).Value
msg.body = sh.Range("D" & i).Value

If sh.Range("E" & i).Value <> "" Then
msg.Attachments.Add sh.Range("E" & i).Value
End If


Next i

MsgBox "Update Request Sent"

End Sub