Hello all,
I have been using this code to save only specific sheet from the workbook. However, I now need to be able to save the entire workbook and save it as macro enabled file .xlsm

HTML Code:
Sub MakeFolder()
  Dim strVehNum As String, strPathDefault As String, strFolderTestInfo As String
  Dim strFolderPics As String, strFolderServiceComments As String
  Dim strFolderPrintouts As String, strPath As String, strGroup As String, FSO As New FileSystemObject
  Dim fn As String
  strVehNum = Range("B1") ' assumes vehicle number in B1
  strGroup = Range("B11") ' assumes group in B11
   strPath = "G:\03 PROJECTS\AUTOS\"
   strFolderTestInfo = "Test info"
  strFolderPics = "Pics"
  strFolderServiceComments = "Service comments"
  strFolderPrintouts = "Printouts"
  If Not FSO.FolderExists(strPath & strVehNum & "-" & strGroup) Then
    FSO.CreateFolder strPath & strVehNum & "-" & strGroup
    FSO.CreateFolder strPath & strVehNum & "-" & strGroup & "\" & strFolderTestInfo
    FSO.CreateFolder strPath & strVehNum & "-" & strGroup & "\" & strFolderPics
    FSO.CreateFolder strPath & strVehNum & "-" & strGroup & "\" & strFolderServiceComments
    FSO.CreateFolder strPath & strVehNum & "-" & strGroup & "\" & strFolderPrintouts
  End If
   fn = strPath & strVehNum & "-" & strGroup & "\" & strFolderTestInfo & "\TP " & strVehNum & ".xls"
  If Dir(fn) <> "" Then Exit Sub

  With Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet)
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Test Plan").Copy after:=.Sheets(1)
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    On Error Resume Next
    Kill fn
    .SaveAs fn, xlExcel8
    .Close False
  End With
End Sub