I am using a with function to format an RTF document after putting data into it. I am using a WITH statement and have successfully changed the margins and the font size but the paragraph formats dont seem to update.
I am somewhat new to using WITH functions and object manipulation in general.
My code I am using is below.
It does not error out but instead does not apply any of the paragraph formats. I need 5.75 line spacing with exact spacing as opposed to single or double.

Option Explicit

Sub MyMacro()

Dim TargetPath As String
Dim TargetFile As String
Dim OutputPath As String
Dim PrintableOutputFile As String
Dim PrintOutput As String
Dim PathInput As String

TargetPath = Range("Target_Path").Value
TargetFile = Range("target_file").Value
OutputPath = Range("Output_Path").Value
PrintableOutputFile = Range("printable_output_file").Value

PathInput = Range("target_path").Value & "\" & Range("target_file").Value
PrintOutput = Range("output_path").Value & "\" & Range("printable_output_file").Value

Open PathInput For Input As #1
Open PrintOutput For Output As #2

Print #2, "My Data here"

Set wrdApp = GetObject(PrintOutput)

With wrdApp
    .PageSetup.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(2.25)
    .PageSetup.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(2.25)
    .Content.Font.Size = 14
    .Content.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingrule = wdlinespaceExactly
    .Content.ParagraphFormat.linespacing = 5.75
End With

Close #1
Close #2

End Sub

Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated as I am still learning and appreciate all input. Thanks!