I have a macro which helps me download the email attachments from outlook based on the list of the email subject lines listed in excel worksheet. Below are changes which i want to make to this macro.

• Define the outlook inbox, actually I want the macro to search the common team shared mailbox instead of personal mailbox
• Define the Save as folder path from a excel cell instead of hard coding the path in the macro
• Define the subject line's only unique part not the entire subject line since it consists of date and some code which changes daily so we can't hard code subject line
• Once the attachment is downloaded the email should be marked as Read.

Sub Downloademailattachementsfromexcellist()Dim olapp As Object
Dim olmapi As Object
Dim olmail As Object
Dim olitem As Object
Dim lrow As Integer
Dim olattach As Object
Dim str As String

Const num As Integer = 6
Const path As String = "C:\HP\" ' i want this to fetch the value from excel worksheet something like ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Email Download").Range("C1").value
Const olFolderInbox As Integer = 6 ' I want to define the common shared mailbox over here...instead of my own personal box. Common mailbox name is IGT Team

Set olp = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set olmapi = olp.getnamespace("MAPI")
Set olmail = olmapi.getdefaultfolder(num)

If olmail.items.restrict("[UNREAD]=True").Count = 0 Then

    MsgBox ("No Unread mails")


        For Each olitem In olmail.items.restrict("[UNREAD]=True")
            lrow = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1

            Range("B" & lrow).Value = olitem.Subject ' each email subject line consists of date or some code which changes daily so I will just mention the unique part of the subject line which remains same daily.

            If olitem.attachments.Count <> 0 Then

                For Each olattach In olitem.attachments

                    olattach.SaveAsFile path & olattach.Filename
                    ' Once the attachement is downloaded I want the macro to mark the mail as Read

                Next olattach
            End If                
        Next olitem

End If
End Sub