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Thread: Converting Excel File to CSV

  1. #1

    Converting Excel File to CSV

    Hi VBExpress Nation!

    I am hopeful if a second pair eyes will help out: I am trying to capture cells in my spreadsheet that may have commas and I need to keep the content of that cell together. My code is below

    Sub Create CSVDim fname as strong
    Dim LText as String
    Dim CSText as Variant
    Dim myRange as Range, I, j
    fname = ThisWorkbook.Path & “ExportData” & “.csv”
     Open fname for Output as #1
    With Active Sheet
    Set myRange = .Range(“Report”)
    For I= 1 to myRange.Rows.Count
    For j = 1 to myRange.Columns.Count
    If Instr(myRng.Cells(i,j),”,”)> 0 then
    CSText = “‘“ & myRange.Cells(I,j) & “‘“
    LText = LText & CSText
    CSText = “”
    LText = IIf(j=1, “”,LText & “,”) & myRange.Cells(I,j)
    End If
    Next j
    print #1, LText
    Next I
    End With
    Msgbox “All complete!”, vbInformation, “Data to CSV Format”
    End Sub
    Thanks in advance to everyone for their help.


  2. #2
    VBAX Mentor 大灰狼1976's Avatar
    Dec 2018
    SuZhou China
    Hi Slicemahn!
    Sub Create_CSV()
    Dim fname As String
    Dim LText As String
    Dim CSText As Variant
    Dim myRange As Range, I, j
    fname = ThisWorkbook.path & "\ExportData" & ".csv"
    Open fname For Output As #1
    With ActiveSheet
        Set myRange = .Range("Report")
        For I = 1 To myRange.Rows.Count
            For j = 1 To myRange.Columns.Count
                If InStr(myRange.Cells(I, j), ",") > 0 Then
                    CSText = "" & myRange.Cells(I, j) & ""
                    LText = LText & CSText
                    CSText = ""
                    LText = IIf(j = 1, "", LText & ",") & myRange.Cells(I, j)
                End If
            Next j
            Print #1, LText
        Next I
    End With
    Close #1
    MsgBox "All complete!", vbInformation, "Data to CSV Format"
    End Sub
    Last edited by 大灰狼1976; 05-16-2019 at 09:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Hi, this is pretty good but it still doesn't solve the problem: If a cell has the value "Simpson, Bart", the .csv format will seperate those names into columns that it should not. I would like to keep the name together in the same format and I am trying to find a solution to do so.


  4. #4
    VBAX Mentor 大灰狼1976's Avatar
    Dec 2018
    SuZhou China
    Sub Create_CSV()
    Dim fname As String
    Dim LText As String
    Dim CSText As Variant
    Dim myRange As Range, I, j, sTmp$
    fname = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ExportData" & ".csv"
    Open fname For Output As #1
    With ActiveSheet
        Set myRange = .Range("Report")
        For I = 1 To myRange.Rows.Count
            sTmp = "": LText = ""
            For j = 1 To myRange.Columns.Count
                If InStr(myRange.Cells(I, j), ",") > 0 Then
                    CSText = Chr(34) & myRange.Cells(I, j) & Chr(34)
                    CSText = myRange.Cells(I, j)
                End If
                LText = LText & sTmp & CSText
                sTmp = ","
            Next j
            Print #1, LText
        Next I
    End With
    Close #1
    MsgBox "All complete!", vbInformation, "Data to CSV Format"
    End Sub

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