
I have an Excel list of people who are interested in more than one course. For every course they are interested in, there's a row with name, address, course name...

f.e Person x is interested in courses 1, 2 and 3. (so there are 3 rows for person x)
Person y is interested in courses 2 and 4 . (so there are 2 rows for person y)

Now I want to send letters to person x and y, using merge fields in Word. Is there a possibility to get the following result in the letter:

Dear person x,

You are interested in following the following courses: <<merged field, summarizing the 3 courses mentioned before>>


Dear person y,

You are interested in following the following courses: <<
merged field, summarizing the 2 courses mentioned before

Anyone an idea on how to do that? The goal is not to print 3 letters for person x, but only one containing the 3 courses.
