Here is the scenario, accomplished via VBA:

  1. Picture object pasted to a slide from Excel
  2. Picture object resized to be 90% of original size
  3. Now I'd like to horizontally center the object on the slide
    • No matter what I try, the picture object ends up cocked to the left, rather than being centered with the slide.
    • The most current attempt is using .Align msoAlignCenters, msoTrue
    • The object is NOT centered on the slide
    • I also tried variations of .width/2, .height/2...and the object ended up halfway off the slide

Here is the snippet of the most current attempt:
osld.Shapes("Picture 2").Select               
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
                .ScaleHeight 0.9, msoTrue
                .ScaleWidth 0.9, msoTrue
                'set to msoTrue to align to slide
                'set to msoFalse to align to shapes
                .Align msoAlignCenters, msoTrue
                 '.Align msoAlignMiddles, msoTrue
                End With

And what it returns:

error on copy paste CPAT7.JPG