
I am using a code from Jakob Hildbrand to paste my Excel sheet into Word (Thank you very much, simple but very useful):

Option Explicit

Sub PasteToWord()

Dim AppWord As Word.Application

Set AppWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
AppWord.Visible = True


Application.CutCopyMode = False

Set AppWord = Nothing

End Sub

As my Excel sheet is formatted in a DINA4 page and has margins of 1.5 cm
at the top/bottom/left and right, the pasted word sheet excludes the
Headers and Footers of the Excel.
Do you have any idea how I can
extend the code/range to include also the Header/Footer in the paste
process? Do I have to use somehting like "With...Sheet("Convert to
Word").LeftHeader = docWord.LeftHeader"? I've been trying it out all
day, but I can't find the right solution. Maybe you can give me a hint
on howI can solve this problem?

Best regards, Helene