
the code below should loop through the worksheets and list all links to other sheets. There should be a table as an output where we can see the sheet which has links and the according links for example

Sheet1 Sheet2
Sheet2 Sheet1

But I cannot implement the output part !

Sub ShowLinks()

Dim Rng, c As Range
Dim dic, dic2 As Object
Dim x, y, z
Dim j, k, m As Long
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim strSheets As String
Dim wb, wb_t As Workbook
Dim ws, ws_op As Worksheet

Dim folderName As String
Dim filename As String
Dim path As String

Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Input")
Set ws_op = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Output")

Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dic2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'Determine folder name and file name
 folderName = ws.Range("B1").Value
 filename = ws.Range("B2").Value
'Check if path has the right form
If Right(folderName, 1) <> "\" Then folderName = folderName & "\"
 path = folderName & filename
'Check if Workbook is already open
 If IsWorkbookOpen(path) Then
 MsgBox "File already in use!"
 'Open the file in Microsoft Excel
Set wb_t = Application.Workbooks.Open(path)
 End If

With wb_t
Dim xSheet As Worksheet

For Each xSheet In Worksheets

' Search for formulas and GoTo Error Handler if no formulas are found
On Error GoTo SortBySize
Set Rng = xSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
On Error GoTo 0

j = 0
'Search for references to another sheets
For Each c In Rng
If InStr(1, c.Formula, "!") > 0 Then
 x = Split(c.Formula, "!")
            If Not dic.exists(x(0)) Then
                j = j + 1
                dic.Add x(0), j
            End If
        End If
    Next c
    If j = 0 Then GoTo Line1  'no formulas with links found
    y = dic.keys
    'Now we have a list of unique strings containing sheet names
    'referenced from this sheet. Next step is to list just the sheet names.
    m = 0
    For k = LBound(y) To UBound(y)
        For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
            If InStr(1, y(k), sht.name) > 1 Then
                If Not dic2.exists(sht.name) Then
                    m = m + 1
                    dic2.Add sht.name, m
                End If
                Exit For
            End If
        Next sht

    Next k
Dim LastRow As Integer
      strSheets = Join(dic2.keys, vbCrLf)
      LastRow = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
      ws_op.Range("A2") = xSheet.name
      ws_op.Range("A2").Offset(0, 1) = strSheets
    Next xSheet  ' Loop through Worksheets and search links between sheets
    End With

    Set dic2 = Nothing
    Set dic = Nothing
    Set Rng = Nothing

End Sub
Function IsWorkbookOpen(filename As String) As Boolean
Dim filenum As Long, ErrNo As Long
On Error Resume Next 'Turn error checking off
filenum = FreeFile() 'Get a free file number
' Attempt to open the file and lock it.
Open filename For Input Lock Read As #filenum
Close filenum
ErrNo = Err
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case ErrNo
Case 0: IsWorkbookOpen = False
Case 70: IsWorkbookOpen = True
Case Else: Error ErrNo
End Select
End Function