Hi John

I have this code that you fantastically created, and I'm sure people will find useful, but I have a question:

It inserts slides at the end of the current document, can it insert selected slides (files) to after the slide you're currently viewing?

I.e. say you have file Z open, with 7 slides and you are viewing slide 3, this tool inserts them after slide 3 rather than at the end?

Thank you

HTML Code:
Sub ViewSlides()
Dim L As LongDim opres As PresentationDim FD As FileDialogSet opres = ActivePresentationSet FD = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)With FD.InitialFileName = "C:\".ButtonName = "Merge".AllowMultiSelect = True.Filters.Clear.Filters.Add "Presentations", "*.pptx"If .Show = True ThenIf .SelectedItems.Count > 0 ThenFor L = 1 To .SelectedItems.CountCall opres.Slides.InsertFromFile(.SelectedItems(L), opres.Slides.Count)Next LEnd IfEnd IfEnd With
Exit Sub
End Sub