Hi everyone. New here and trying to get information from Access into a two column Word table. Here is the snippet of code. The problem is that I have four names in Access, when it runs through this code I end up with two of the names duplicated. So name 1 is in table row 1 column 1 AND row 1 column2, name 2 is in table row 2 column 1 and row 2 column 2. The last two names are dropped.

This is what i get:

John Smith John Smith
Bill Jones Bill Jones

This is what I want:

John Smith Bill Jones
Ron Brown Amy Smith

My Code:
Dim appWord2 As Object 'Word.Application
Dim WordDoc2 As Object 'Word.Document
Dim db2 As Object
Dim rst2 As Object
Dim strPath2 As String
Dim strFileName2 As String
Dim intholder2 As Integer
Dim intholder3 as integer

strPath2 = "C:\#Masters"

Set db2 = CurrentDb
'Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("qrySelectClientInfo")
Set rst2 = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM qryCreateMasterFile_COS WHERE Fileno=" & Forms!frmFileInformation!FileNo)
strFileName2 = rst2!FileNo & "_COS"
'Opens word with the appropriate template
Set appWord2 = CreateObject("Word.Application")
appWord2.Visible = True
Set WordDoc2 = appWord2.Documents.Add(strPath & "COSMasterFile.docx")

intholder2 = 2
intholder3 = 2

'Populate the table
Do Until rst.EOF
appWord2.activedocument.tables(1).cell(intholder2, 1).Range.Text = Nz(rst!FileNo, "") 'change the names of the fields in database
appWord2.activedocument.tables(1).cell(intholder2, 1).Range.Text = Nz(rst!COSName, "")
appWord2.activedocument.tables(1).cell(intholder3, 2).Range.Text = Nz(rst!COSName, "")

intholder2 = intholder2 + 1
intholder3 = intholder3 + 1

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have tried multiple things and I just never get the results I need.
