I have a powerpoint presentation that I inherited that is causing some drama because of a few fonts, namely Times (not to be confused with Times New Roman) and Noto Sans Symbols that are showing up as "unsupported" for some of our users. These fonts need to be replaced throughout the presentation, wherever they may exist, but Replace > Replace Fonts is not working for these. There are a few things I have tried:

Sub ReplaceFontToArial()
  Dim objSingleWord As Range
  Dim objDoc As Presentation

  Set objDoc = ActivePresentation

  With objDoc
    For Each objSingleWord In .Words
      If objSingleWord.Font.Name = "Times" Then 
        objSingleWord.Font.Name = "Arial"
      End If
  End With
End Sub
But, it errors out highlighting `ObjSingleWord As Range` and stating, `Compile error: User-defined type not defined`.

Then, upon a suggestion from the Microsoft VBA reference docs, I tried:

Sub ReplaceFontToArial()
  Application.ActivePresentation.Fonts.Replace Original:="Times", Replacement:="Arial"
End Sub
But this errors out with a `Run-time error '424': Object required`.

I'm completely out of thoughts to fix this problem. Any help on how I can change out these crazy fonts and what I'm doing wrong would be amazing!!