
I am trying to work on some VBA for forming a ppt deck with two goals:
  • A new slide is populated with ONE image per slide from a directory of images
  • Then the slide gets, in the upper right hand corner, another image from another file directory. (acting as a "tag/label" for this slide, it is not the same image for every slide. the directory has a list of numbered images for the "tag/label")

I am to get the VBA to populate the deck with a new slide for each image in the first directory, but I can not figure out how to the second image in the corner to the existing slide.

Any advice or help is very much appreciated! Thank you in advance.

Sub main()
Dim i As Integer
Dim arrFilesInFolder As Variant
arrFilesInFolder = GetAllFilesInDirectory("C:\Users\abui\Desktop\test")

For i = LBound(arrFilesInFolder) To UBound(arrFilesInFolder)
    Call AddSlideAndImage(arrFilesInFolder(i))
End Sub
Private Function GetAllFilesInDirectory(ByVal strDirectory As String) As Variant
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objFile As Object
Dim arrOutput() As Variant
Dim i As Integer

'Create an instance of the FileSystemObject
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get the folder object
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
ReDim arrOutput(0)
i = 1
'loops through each file in the directory and prints their names and path
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
    'print file path
    arrOutput(i - 1) = objFile.Path
    ReDim Preserve arrOutput(UBound(arrOutput) + 1)
    i = i + 1
Next objFile
   ReDim Preserve arrOutput(UBound(arrOutput) - 1)
GetAllFilesInDirectory = arrOutput
End Function

Private Function AddSlideAndImage(ByVal strFile As String)
Dim objPresentaion As Presentation
Dim objSlide As Slide

Set objPresentaion = ActivePresentation

Set objSlide = objPresentaion.Slides.Add(1, PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutChart)
Call objSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(strFile, msoCTrue, msoCTrue, 20, 50)
End Function