When I try to delete a class that has expired, I still get MsgBox "Do you really want to delete......" That message should not even appear in that case, but instead I should get "Class cannot be deleted...." Actually I get message regardless if the class expired or not. Then I get the msgbox " Class cannot be deleted...." Seems the the code is ignoring the if statement about the date all together. I want to check if the class has expired first. If expired msgbox stating that and then exit sub. If class is not expired the input box "are you sure........" should continue.

Can someone help me out?

Private Sub CmdDeleteEntry_Click()Dim strDelete As String
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs2 As ADODB.Recordset

    ' connect to the Access database
    Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
    myConn = TARGET_DB
    With cn
     .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
     .Open myConn
   End With

'     open a recordset
    Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset
   src = "SELECT * FROM tblClasses WHERE DateTime = '" & Me.lstClasses.List(Column, 3) & "'" 

        rs2.Open src, cn, adOpeDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Dim selected As String
Dim answer As Long
Dim RUSure As String

RUSure = InputBox("Do you really want to delete the selected schedule? Enter Y to delete or N to cancel.")

   selected = lstClasses.ListIndex
    If Not selected = -1 Then
     If rs2![expiredDate] < Date Then
      MsgBox "That class has expired and cannot be deleted."

      Exit Sub
 End If

             If RUSure = "y" Or RUSure = "Y" Then
             answer = lstClasses.List(selected, 0)
             strDelete = "Delete * FROM tblRegistered Where ID =" & answer
             rs2.Fields("SlotsTaken") = rs2.Fields("SlotsTaken") - 1 'Reduces slots taken by 1 each time a record is deleted.

             cn.Execute strDelete
             MsgBox "Class Deleted"
             MsgBox "Please select a schedule to delete."
        End If
ElseIf RUSure = "N" Or RUSure = "n" Then
    MsgBox "Deleting cancelled."
    MsgBox "You have entered a wrong value."
'    rs.Close
End If
     End Sub