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Thread: Make Array with Full Paths to PDF Files in Parent and Subfolders

  1. #21
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    'Similar to: NateO's code,
    Function aFiles(strDir As String, searchTerm As String, _
      Optional SubFolders As Boolean = True)
      Dim fso As Object
      Dim strName As String
      Dim i As Long
      ReDim strArr(1 To Rows.Count)
      'strDir must not have a trailing \ for subFolders=True
      If Right(strDir, 1) <> "\" Then strDir = strDir & "\"
      'Exit if strDir does not exist
      If Dir(strDir, vbDirectory) = "" Then Exit Function
      Let strName = Dir$(strDir & searchTerm)
      Do While strName <> vbNullString
          Let i = i + 1
          Let strArr(i) = strDir & strName
          Let strName = Dir$()
      Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      'Strip trailing \ if subFolders=False
      If SubFolders = False Then strDir = Left(strDir, Len(strDir) - 1)
        Call recurseSubFolders(fso.GetFolder(strDir), strArr, i, searchTerm)
        Set fso = Nothing
        If i = 0 Then i = 1 'Returns one empty array element in strArr
        ReDim Preserve strArr(1 To i)
        aFiles = strArr
    End Function
    Private Sub recurseSubFolders(ByRef Folder As Object, _
        ByRef strArr, _
        ByRef i As Long, _
        ByRef searchTerm As String)
        Dim SubFolder As Object
        Dim strName As String
        For Each SubFolder In Folder.SubFolders
            Let strName = Dir$(SubFolder.Path & "\" & searchTerm)
            Do While strName <> vbNullString
                Let i = i + 1
                Let strArr(i) = SubFolder.Path & "\" & strName
                Let strName = Dir$()
            recurseSubFolders SubFolder, strArr, i, searchTerm
    End Sub

  2. #22
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by branston View Post
    Type mismatch here in 2nd sub routine
          Set pdf = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc").Open(sn(j))
    Why don't you give meaningful feedback ?
    What is the value of sn(j) ?

  3. #23
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    SNB does concise code but it may be hard for some to see how it works.

    After a run, Debug.Print's output can be viewed in VBE's Immediate Window. Change the parts in red to suit and view the results after a run.

    The Replace() routine to make c00 for "it" needs a tweak as a colon is not a legal filename.

    Sub M_snb()    
        sn = Split(CreateObject("").Exec("cmd /c dir ""C:\Users\lenovo1\Dropbox\_Excel\pdf\Acrobat\*.pdf"" /b/s").StdOut.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
        For j = 1 To UBound(sn) - 1
           c00 = Left(sn(j), Len(sn(j)) - Len(Dir(sn(j))))
           If InStr(c01, vbLf & c00) = 0 Then c01 = c01 & vbLf & c00
        If c01 <> "" Then
           sp = Split(Mid(c01, 2), vbLf)
           For Each it In sp
              M_MergePDF1 Filter(sn, it), "C:\Users\lenovo1\Dropbox\_Excel\pdf\Acrobat\Merged\Run2\" & Replace(it, "\", "_") & "pdf"
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub M_MergePDF1(sn, c00)
      Debug.Print 0, sn(0)
        For j = 1 To UBound(sn)
          Debug.Print j, sn(j)
        Debug.Print "c00", c00
    End Sub

  4. #24
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    branston, please see this FAQ about PMs.

    Anything you have asked in PMs can be done in the thread. Then, anyone can answer it or maybe they had the same question(s).

    Regarding the merged files slow to show up after the MsgBox(), that is due to the delay in processing code versus actual work being done in the background/hidden shell calls. I found that some 3rd party applications take longer to do their thing than others. PDFill was fast. Likely, Acrobat will be too but I don't have it on this computer to test. There are Shell and Wait routines one can use rather than Shell() if waiting for the shell process to end is really needed.

    3rd party apps have some neat little options that one can play with. Acrobat can usually do those and sometimes more but sometimes not. The extra command line parameter options for the apps are easily used. To do the same in Acrobat takes some additional coding and sometimes extensive coding.

    Here is an example that marry's both my methods and snb's for Acrobat. Like the other examples using other 3rd party applications, it is easily modified to call them rather than Acrobat as I demonstrated in this thread.

    I left this one in test mode. Simply comment out the line and uncomment the mAcrobat call's line to do the actual merge in Acrobat.

    Sub MergeToAcrobat()    
        Dim a, v, f, i As Long, p As String
        Dim p2 As String, r As String, fso As Object
        Dim s As String, s2 As String, k As String
        'Parent folder
        'p = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
        p = "C:\Users\lenovo1\Dropbox\_Excel\pdf\Acrobat\"
        'Folder to copy merged pdfs in subfolders to, p2 initially, and r actual.
        p2 = p & "MergedPDFs"
        If Dir(p2, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir p2
        'Make a new folder in p2 to store this run's merged pdf files.
            i = i + 1
            r = p2 & "\Run" & i & "\"
            Loop Until Dir(r, vbDirectory) = ""
        MkDir r
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        'All PDF files array
        f = Split(CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Exec("cmd /c dir " & _
        """" & p & "*.pdf" & """" & " /b/s").StdOut.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
        'Build string with folder names delimited by vbLF
        For i = 0 To UBound(f) - 1
           s = fso.GetParentFolderName(f(i)) & "\"
           If InStr(s2, vbLf & s) = 0 Then s2 = s2 & vbLf & s
        Next i
        If s2 <> "" Then
           a = Split(Mid(s2, 2), vbLf)  'Make array from s2 string but just elements with folder names.
           For Each v In a
                If InStr(v, p2) = 0 Then  'Process if folder v is not in p2, merged folder's path.
                  k = fso.GetFolder(v).Name & ".pdf"
                  mAcrobat1 Filter(f, v), r & k 'Test with output to VBE Immediate Window
                  'mAcrobat Filter(f, v), r & k 'Perform the merge in Acrobat
                End If
           Next v
        End If
        Set fso = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub mAcrobat(sn, c00)
        Dim j As Long, pdf As Object
        With CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc").Open(sn(0))
            For j = 1 To UBound(sn)
                Set pdf = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc").Open(sn(j))
                .InsertPages .GetNumPages - 1, pdf, 0, pdf.GetNumPages, 0
            Next j
            .Save 1, c00
        End With
        Set pdf = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub mAcrobat1(sn, c00)
        Dim j As Long
        Debug.Print 0, sn(0)
        For j = 1 To UBound(sn)
            Debug.Print j, sn(j)
        Debug.Print "c00", c00
    End Sub
    Last edited by Kenneth Hobs; 10-13-2019 at 02:23 PM.

  5. #25
    Thanks Ken - and point taken.

    will try the code but my point was actually about why the merged files are still being merged (into a new file with the parent folder.pdf as it’s name) once they are in the mergedPDFs folder. It’s an unnecessary file but I couldn’t work out where in the code this final step of merging the merged files was happening.

    anyway will try the suggestions in your post.

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