
I am trying to parse an XML string into separate columns. Below is the XML .

<tracking_data tracking_data_site='03063' seq_no='426' mpe_id='DSM-1'  softwareversion=''  run_start='08-01-2018 17:00:00' sortplan_1='' mpesortplanname_1='Dorap18' operation_1=''
<MailPiece Timestamp="08-01-2018 00:46:36.000" USPSdate="2018_03_20_t3" Result="Missent" MODSrun="3" Operation="222" IU="4" IUname="FSD" DU="257" DUname="CH-565" DST="257" DSTname="CH-565" Tray="37" IUtype="Unmanned" IDtype="Unknown" MDev="4" MDevName="FSD" MReason="4" MReasonName="Singulation Problem" Operation_no="222" SpecServiceCode_1="4202006699989401915901057903319581"/>

For example I want to extract the fields from the XML string to look like this:

tracking_data_site seq_no mpe_id
03063 426 DSM-1

Is there a more simplified way of doing this besides using left, mid or right string functions?