
I'm using some fairly simple code, I want to open a workbook, pull some information, and put it in another workbook.
The workbook I want to open is 'Write-Reserved'. So when you open it a password has to be entered or you can select read only.
I'm not writing to it, just reading, so I've used the normal code:

Set Passdown = Workbooks.Open(Path & fileName, ReadOnly:=True)

Which works a treat, on my PC, which is running Office 365. When I try and run it on PC's running office 2016, as soon it opens the workbook, it opens a SaveAs dialog box. I can't get the Damn thing to go away.
I have tried alot of different variations of the above code, I've been searching the web for a couple of days now trying to solve this. Anyone know why it works fine on 365 and not on 2016 ?????? And any possible workaround solutions please !!!

Thank you
